Chapter 2: Mills Highschool

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Mills Highschool is not the biggest Highschool I've ever been to.

It has a wide main building shaped like a wide pentagon. 

There are four huge white colums holding up the awning that juts out from the first two angles of the pentagon. In the space between the top and the first two angles are the words in bold black letters that held a gold outline. "Mills Highschool".

I don't know if the principal or someone  important ment for all of the letters to be solid black, or if the guy who spray painted the letters just didn't give a crap anymore. Either way, it looked nothing short of  uninviting.

  "Have a good first day, Honey!" Mom yells out from behind me, making me jump.Stupid paranoia.It takes me a minuete to comprehend how slow I'm walking towards the school.

I glance back and mom's car is no less than fifteen feet away from me.

I must have thought I would be at the door by now or something because I totally wasn't expecting her voice to be that close to me.

It was almost as if she was right behind me.


"Yea, mom. I will. Have a good day at work." I see her smile at me and drive away.

I then refocus on my task: getting to the door.

I had made some progress on getting closer, but i still need to walk. I decide to get over my first day jitters and swiftly walk straight to the door.

I take a deep breath and I open it. Inside I see fairly long hallways. Not vertical, but horizontal.


I notice as I continue on with my inspection, I see a small glass window with a wooden board jutting out a short distance below it to create a flat surface. It had paper on it. I walk to the window and see a lady with eyes darting across a computer screen. She was loudly chewing gum and wildly typing and clicking.

She reminds me of my mom, working so hard.

I swallow and say "Um, E-Exuse me?"

She looks away from the screen that seems to have a magnetic hold on her eyes. " Yes, may i help you?"

She smiles a friendly smile at me to show hospitality. Yep, she must be my mother's relative. She even looks like mom in someways.

" Im uh, im new here, I pick up my schedule here, yes?"

"Yes." She hands me my paper.

I nod her a thank you and go through another door, being followed by her expecting eyes.

Immediately the school bell rings and a flood of my new peers and classmates pour out of doors everywhere.

Most of them uninterested in me, but a couple look upon me with interested, excited eyes.

This one guy even looked me up and down...slowly-then winked at me with lustful eyes.

Keep it in your pants, bud, im not a piece of meat. I raise a challenging brow at him and pay attention to everyone (anyone) else.

I think I might as well join the crowd of people and find my first class at Mills High.

I look down at my paper, still walking. A: Mr. Simon- Science, 2961. Science first? Thats good with me. But 2961?

Im assuming thats the room number.

Ok. I can do this.

I study my schedule and suddenly someone bumps my right shoulder, i drop my schedule and a little journal i keep. I write and draw everything in that journal.

I kneel down to get my stuff together and notice a large pair of Adidas in front of me. Oh no, not another guy.

I reluctantly look up to see a very cute one at that.

"Sorry," he said.

He kept looking at me. Oh, right, im supposed to talk to this masterpiece of a guy.

"Er...its ok. Uh, where is room 2961?" He pointed a long finger to the end of the hall.

" Down the hall to the left." I try to follow his finger and his directions. " Thanks...uh?" I wonder what his name is...he looks at me like he's remembered something. " Oh yea," he put his hand out.
"I'm Matt." I took his hand and shook. He's got strong hands. Callused from athletisism and probably from holding a pencil for hours and hours. " Evelyn" I smile the friendliest smile I could without showing teeth. I have never liked my smile, and especially not with teeth. Matt, on the other hand, smiled a very toothy smile. Oh my gosh. I was blinded. Matts teeth were so beautiful, so white, and so straight. I was near averting my eyes because I could no longer handle his beauty. From his perfect smile to his chisled facial features, I was lost. He laughed. Beautiful. "Ummmmmm." He said, snapping me out of my amazement. I let go of his hand. Was I holding it all this time? Crap. Great, he probably thinks Im a creep. I tried to say sorry but my mouth couldnt form words. Eventually, after babbling like an idiot for a couple of seconds, he finished the awkwardest conversation ever to occur between the sexes. " Err- I'll see you around." I couldnt even form a complete sentence, so i was impressed when I managed to get a "Yea, you too." out and found my class just in time. What a great way to begin my first day at a new school. Just great.

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