Chapter 3:Horrifyingly Beautiful

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After finding Mr. Simon's Biology class,it went by pretty smoothly. Every time he would ask a question about what he was speaking of I would raise my hand. Apparently participating in class is not very popular, because whenever I did raise my hand, I would be the only one, and I got some glares and looks that had "You're a freak." written all over them.

Mr. Simon was winding down his lecture about how cells split and what all the organelles were called. This was not a new lesson for me because I was well aware of what he was talking about. I would think this was just a review of what we had already learned but the confused looks on some of my classmates' faces were telling me otherwise. "Now, who can show me that they actually learned something today and answer my final question?" I was just about to raise my hand again in response when the man kept on talking. You would think Mr. Simon would have a wife to talk to, but apparently not. I don't see a ring on that finger. Following my train of thought I stop listening to my biology teacher for the first time today, distracted by what I was previously thinking about. It's not like he'll be asking said question anytime soon.

I think about why he wouldn't have a wife and right when I think that I notice how strange he looks. He has plaid shirt on with dress pants and glasses that are about to fall off of his round face. Looking at his face I notice that he has a slight stubble and a few blemishes that look like they could become pimples or worse. He has a mostly bald head at the top and thin grey hair in the back. Accompanied by the bald spot is a few long stands of hair that had seemed to be combed over in a failed attempt to cover the bare skin on the top of his head. He's between average and slightly overweight, but only the most observant and personally opinionated eyes would notice this flaw.

In conclusion to my thoughts, my biology teacher is just a guy that lacks a little in the looks department but not lacking in communication skills. Wait-why am I even thinking about how he looks? Who cares
about that anyway? Back to the lecture....

"OK, with that being said, who can tell me-" The bell rang. YES!! Never have I ever been so thankful for the bell. And as soon as it rang, everyone, myself included, shot up and raced towards the door. I was caught up in a sea of rushing bodies pushing and urging their way out the door to go to the next class and wishing that they were going somewhere else.

When I'm finally out the door and manage to find a spot with a little bit of space, I pull out my schedule. I see that my next class is World History. Room 2926. Mrs. Frayer. Taking a deep breath and whispering to myself that its time to move again,I look up and step back out into the sea of my new classmates, both of my shoulders touching someone and everyone as I push my way past. Trying to see over everyone to read room numbers on doors, dodging long arms and an occasional paper airplane, avoiding couples throwing themselves at eachother and doing things that makes me want to gag and run. This is madness. I wish there was someone here, anyone, that I knew. Let's see, I just left 2961. I manage to slip past two girls, who I notice are also strange looking, but uniquely beautiful. One has pink hair, and the other one has a very dark, almost black, shade of blue. Trust me, I'm not staring, but not doing so is Hard. I've never seen two people so horrifyingly beautiful. Passing by them though, was the horrifying part. Two sets of cold eyes bore into me. They reluctantly stepped back ever so slightly to let me pass. Ok, this is getting old. I'm so tired of people watching me and sizing me up like they know who I am. My anger will be the death of me one day and now I am hardcore pissed.

Im almost passed them but one of my books scraped pinkies arm. "Watch it freak!" She scowls at me. And you know what? I turn and scowl right back. The look in her eyes was lethal. Yep, this will be where I die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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