Chapter 1

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It was Friday, everyone was ready to go to their designated homes - away from the office and the load of paperwork. Some even made plans to go on Vacation throughout the weekend. For Pepper Potts, it was different. For she was Tony Stark's personal assistant. Typically her job was never finished. The job qualifications covered everything from doing his laundry, sending away the women he slept with the night prior, accounting, scheduling meetings, and flights. However, her job only became more hectic after Tony's return from Afghanistan and his reveal to the world that he was Iron Man. The government, and the Army tried to take his suit away. Ever since then, her job has been never-ending. Not that she was complaining, the job paid great and offered many benefits that her coworkers envied for. However, when she did show any sign of exhaustion, stress, or frustration it did not go completely unnoticed. Many thought perhaps she worked extremely hard for an ungrateful boss.

Pepper on the hand didn't see what they saw. She knew Tony Stark better than the ones that were hired before her. So, yes. Despite all the worry she has been through... she does enjoy her job. No matter what she says, however, her closest coworker that she considers a friend who tends to pry too much in her life than she likes. Many times she was confronted by her concerning the relationship her and Tony share. "Are you two a thing?" sort of questions. Yet, Pepper would always exclaim there was nothing going on. Her friend, Sophie was not convinced; but eventually she did drop the subject of the two. 

Today was no different when she caught up with her in the hallway. However, the topic of Tony and her was never brought up. "So, did you have a good Christmas?"

Pepper reflected back to Christmas day. Tony had promised to take it easy for the holiday and spend time with her. The gifts from were very sweet, and somewhat inappropriate - at least the tight dress was, anyway. A smile spread across her face, "it was great. How about yours?"

"Good. It went by too fast, I mean it's already a New Year! Speaking of which..." as they reached the end of the empty hallway, Sophie stopped in front of Pepper. "Any resolutions made?"

"Uhh..." they shared a laugh after an awkward pause, "to be honest, no I don't have any."

"None whatsoever...? Girl, have you not thought about taking it easier on yourself this year? You've been working nonstop!"

"I'm fine, Sophie. I can handle it. You know me well enough, that I prefer to stay busy."

"Well, yeah... sure. It can't be healthy, I'm sure. Go out once in awhile. You're single, right? Go meet someone. "

"I don't have time for that..."

"No, don't go there. There you go with those excuses. Mr.Stark would allow you to leave whenever you wish, if you need to take a break from it all. Am I right? If he cares enough about your happiness..."

When Pepper looked at her friend, her gaze was intense as if she had been offended that she doubted how much Tony cared for her. "I'll think about it, okay?" She walked ahead, anxious to drop this whole conversation and get back to the mansion to kick off her high heels. Behind her, Sophie didn't pry anymore and only waved at her. 

As Pepper turned left in the direction of the elevator, she heard her friend calling out, "see you on Monday!" Then the double doors closed on her and she descended down to the lobby.

It was a quick drive from the Stark Headquarters to Tony's mansion in California, and as soon as she stepped inside she kicked off her shoes and relaxed on the sofa in the entertainment room. No loud music was playing from downstairs when Tony worked on some of his projects.Which she found odd, that it was so quiet. After getting herself a glass of wine, she turned her attention to the television, flipping through the channels. Jesus Christ, there were so many. Did Tony really pay for all of this? Nothing much was really on at this time of the evening. The news was no exception. She stopped on a familiar channel that premiered many competitions for singers, dancers, models and even the occasionally episode of Hell's Kitchen. It wasn't something she normally watched until hearing her coworker talk so heavily about. She found the drama in these programs completely fake and boring. 

It was about an hour later, she was woken up to discover a blanket draped over her form to keep her warm. It was one of her own, that she usually left at the foot of her bed folded neatly. She didn't recall retrieving it before falling asleep... however, that wasn't the reason she woke up. For the sound of glass shattering and a loud curse from the kitchen had startled her awake. When she turned around to see Tony kicking the shards of glass in one pile, "I've got it. Go back to sleep, Pep." he said, glancing up and waving a hand to dismiss her from offering to help. When she stood up to stretch, Tony tossed the shards of glass away in the trash can. "Ms.Potts." There was that stern tone, again. 


He smiled, oh how he loved hearing her say his name in that way. "You look like you had a busy day."

"That's nothing new..." She replied, as he inched closer to her. 

One of his thick brows arched slightly. "Well, I'm not stopping you from getting any shuteye, Pep. In fact, if you do need help getting to sleep..." he rubbed his chin as if he was considering his next words. "That can be arranged."

Typical. Tony went from a charming gentleman to a flirtatious men that he is.  Pepper wasn't falling for it. She stepped closer to him, closing the distance between them. "That wouldn't be much help, in fact, we'd both lose sleep." 

"Neither of us have nothing planned in the morning, right? Good." This earned a sigh from his personal assistant.

"You're hopeless, Tony Stark." 

He leaned in close, "and you're in denial, Pepper Potts." With a laugh from her, she gently shoved him away - and retrieved her blanket on the couch. His gaze never left her as she walked past him and headed for the steps that led to their bedrooms.

"Goodnight, Tony." She gave a yawn and started climbing up the steps, and every once in awhile glanced back to make sure Tony hadn't followed. 

"No kiss goodnight?" His voice echoed as she reached the top of the steps. His response was the sound of Pepper's door closing.

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