Goodbye......For now

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Vilu's P.O.V.
Today is my last day in Madrid 'cause my dad got a job in Buenos Aires so I have to go with him which bums me out ALOT. I will have to leave everything behind like Tomas,my boyfriend. I hope I can come back to Madrid again to be with Tomas there.
"But why dad why!!" I said
"Cause I got a job there in Buenos Aires." said Dad
"But my life is here in Madrid with my boyfriend (tomas), school and friends, and you want me to leave it all.
Ughhh!!!" I continued
"I'll go say bye to everyone before we leave. Will be back in 20 mins dad." I said
Tomas's P.O.V.
Today is the last day I will get to see my beautiful Vilu. I hope I will be able to give her a surprise visit.
*Knock Knock*
I go vet the door and see MY Violetta at the door.
Vilu's P.O.V.
I go to Tomas's house and knock at his door to tell him goodbye.
"Hi Tomas. May I come in so we can talk?" I said
"Sure sure come in" Tomas said
"So i'll be leaving in 6 hours and I will miss you very very much and hope that I will be able to see you again." I said
"Well I think we should spend some quality time together before you leave." Tomas said
"Well I would love to go to the Espana Plaza were we first met and eat at El Guera then a visit at the park, then I would head home. Sound good?" I said
"Of course my love, anything to make you happy." Tomas said
Tomas's P.O.V.
After all that we have done I had to take Violetta to her house.
"Well I guess this is goodbye for now. Right?" I asked
"Of course. Before I go into my house I want a good bye kiss." Vilu said
"Sure thing my love." I said
We kissed for 3 minutes then Violetta went home. I sure will miss her beautiful smile.
Vilu's P.O.V.
While I was kissing Tomas I didn't feel as much sparks as I used to. Maybe my love for him was fading. I hope it isnt 'cause I love very much, well at least that is what I think. My dad's shouting takes me out of my thoughts.
"Violetta get down here!!!! We have to leave now!!!" Dad yells
"I'm going I'm going" I said
-In the airplane-
"Dad how much longer" I whined
"2 mores hours sweety then we'll be there." Dad said
"Dad Dad where here!!" I shout
"Lets go to the Blue station to get our luggage" Dad said
-At the Blue Station-
"Dad we've been standing here for 20 minutes where's the luggage??" I ask
"There it is Vilu." Dad said
We get our luggage and then get a taxi. It takes us to mansion which I assume is our home. We get in and unpack.

Well this is just the first chapter. Hope ya'll like it


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