Chapter 3

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I wake up to daddy's arms around my small waist. I turn around and look at daddy and take in his features. He has blonde hair which was put into a quiff. My daddy's handsome, just like my uncles they're all handsome. I close my eyes and wait for daddy to get up. I look at the clock and it says 8:58. My stomach growls really loud. "Are you hungry love?" Daddy ask not opening his eyes. "Yeah, but you can sleep." I say. "Na, it's time to get up and get ready for the interview." Daddy sits up and stretches. I do the same and he smiles and kisses me. We get up and walk downstairs. We go into the kitchen and he starts to make scrambled eggs and bacon. "That smells really good Tris." Uncle Brad says. "Thanks Winter Dawg." Daddy says. "Good morning Bail." Uncle Brad kisses my cheek and sits on my left. "Morning Uncle Brad." I say. The rest of the boys come down and sit waiting for the food to be done. Daddy sets the food down and he grabs my plate and puts the eggs and bacon on. "Thank you daddy." I say. He nods and grabs some for himself. We all eat and I stare at it for a little while, then I put the eggs on top of the bacon and roll the bacon up and eat it. "That's smart way to have eggs and bacon cutie." Uncle James says. I nod. "Hey boys." I look up and see a man. "Hey Dean." Daddy says. "Who's this little girl?" Dean ask. "This is Bailley Evans, my daughter." Daddy answers. "Good for you Tristan." He answers.

We finish eating and we head upstairs to get dress. "Here you go love." Daddy hands me black skinny jeans and a tan shirt that has a deer in it and dark grey sweatshirt. I put the clothes on. "Hey you nervous?" Daddy ask putting a bandanna on. "A little." I answer. "Here." He hands me a grey bandanna and I put it on. We head downstairs get into the car. "Now Bail you don't have to answer any questions at the interview." Uncle Brad says. "Okay, but what if they force me to answer the questions? Then what do I do?" I ask looking at Uncle Brad. "We'll take care of it." He says. I nod and lean against him. We stop and get out. I lean to Uncle Brad. "Hey it's going to be okay." He picks me up and we all go into the place. I turn my head around and see there are couches to sit on. We all sit and I sit between daddy and Uncle James. "We are here with none other than The Vamps. Please welcome them." The news lady says. Hello." They say. "So before we start the questions let's get more information on this little girl. Raise your hands if you want to know more of the little girl?" The lady says. Everyone raises their hands and I gulp. "Okay, everyone this Bailley Evans, she is my daughter." Daddy begins to say. "Where did you see her?" Someone in the crowd yelled. "We saw her in the orphanage and I felt really bad for her and me and the mates went upstairs to talk to her and then I realized I wanted to have her in my life for ever." He finishes. "So Bailley can you tell me about yourself?" The lady ask. I don't respond and look at daddy for help. He leans down to me and whispers in my ear. "Whatever you want to do love." I nod and stay quiet. "Can you please tell us about yourself please?" She ask again. I still don't say anything. "Why would you adopt her? She so quiet! She nothing like you boys! You deserve someone better than her!" She shouts. I feel tears coming down my face. I stand up and look the news lady right in the eyes and everyone else since they were agreeing with the lady.

"You're all just evil pillows! Evil pillows!" I shout and run out the door and run down the long hallway and lean against the cold cement wall. I cry and cry.

Tristan's Pov

Bailley just ran out after calling everyone except us "evil pillows". Hmm, wonder why evil pillows? I think to myself. "What is wrong with you!" I shout the lady. "What?" She ask. "You just made my daughter cry! How can you live like that making little kids cry!" I keep shouting. I run out and go find Bailley. "Tristan!" The lads yell. "What!" I yell back. "We know where Bailley is." They say. I turn around and look at them. "Where is she." I walk back to where the lads are. "Follow us." Brad says. I follow the lads and we find her crying against the cement wall. We all gather around her, Connor and James are in front of her and Brad and I beside her. "Bailley love can you look at us?" I ask. She looks up and her eyes are red and puffy from crying. It breaks my heart, seeing my little daughter cry. I wrap my arms around her and comfort her as best I can. "Hey cutie, don't listen to the lady, she doesn't know what she's talking about. We all love you and that's what matters the most." James says. I smile at what James said. "Really?" Bailley says. We all nod our heads. She gets up and runs into everyone's arms and when she gets to me, she literally jumps into mine and kisses  me. "I love you guys so much!" She yells and kisses her uncles. "And we love you!" They says back. "Let's go to the ice cream parlor." James says. We nod and I pick Bailley up and we walk out of the place and get into the car. "Dean can you drive us to the ice cream parlor." I say. "Please." Bailley adds in. "Yes, I can drive you to the ice cream parlor." Dean revs up the engine and starts to drive. "Thank you for adding the please in love." I say and kiss her forehead. "No problem daddy." She answers. She leans on me and closes her eyes and rest. "Love we're here." I gently shake her. She stirs and gets off of me and we get out and walk into the ice cream parlor. When we get in we go and find a place to sit at. "Where would you like to sit pumpkin?" Connor ask.

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