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I disassemble at the thought of losing him. I reconstruct at the scene of being near him, But is our stars aligned the way we want them to be? Because we can't be the stars we wish upon to fix our broken promises. He is the force that connects my constellation of stars.
His eyes that once gazed into mine with adoration and comfort, now has fury & an everlasting fire that kills me with one glance.
His eyes once so perfect, has worn into the rags Cinderella danced in, his eyes once so perfect has turned into a polluted lake of envious green rough waters.
He told me forever, but forever is a long time how could forever not include mistakes? How could forever not include broken promises, but everything broken calls for reassembling. Chances calls for trust, you cannot give out a chance without thought of trusting again.
Our universe so full of consideration, but when angered full of hate. But how could a universe with so much Karma to spare and so much anger to apportion to every powerless sinner upon the earth lead me to someone with such a depth of greatness & beauty. For he is the only one I am sure about loving. Maybe I am overseeing the truth & reality everyone else sees in him. But I can only find the good, even when I try to make myself believe he is what everyone says he is, why can't I find it in myself to hear who he is or see who he is, or is he himself only for me.

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