Chapter 3.

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The aroma of guilt fills the pit of my stomach as Aleah, Zander's BestFriend and I sneak away during lunch, leaving Zander alone to occupy herself. If I love her as much as I say I do why aren't I with her.
" Babeeee" Aleah whines playfully "Let's goo! Hurry" she quietly yells tugging my arms pulling me toward the clearly abandoned outdoor courtyard. "Hey Leah, slow your role I'm all yours right now" I announce hiding my annoyance. To be honest Aleah is pretty dumb. I am in love with Zander, but she's oblivious. I must admit I am only using her, she's not bad looking or terrible in bed, but she quite annoying and obviously she's no Zander. Both of us, 2 people she holds close to her heart are going behind her back.

Aleah eager to take advantage of our time alone viciously pins me to the wall allowing her lips to explore my body. She crashes our lips together, smiling in between the kisses mumbling my name repetitively "Chance" her voice was full of lust, "Yeah, what is it". Her eyes suddenly contain an emotion I am unable to read and she stammers " Chance... I... Uhh"
" over the past 4 weeks my feelings for you has skyrocketed and I wanted to know if you feel-" before she got a chance the finish my veins are bulging and I cut her off raging. " Aleah, we have been through this! I don't want a relationship with you. I just want Zander I don't even know why I even bother sneaking away with you when I have a whole beautiful girlfriend to myself." I storm out leaving Aleah behind hearing the words 'oh' brokenly roll of her tongue as her head looks down in disappointment. My phone dings and I look down to see a heart warming collage of me and Zander making silly faces & kissing a couple months back when we first started dating take up my whole phone screen.

Girlfriend: Chancelor Anthony Quincy

Me: Zander ;)

Girlfriend: where do you & Aleah always disappear to? I'm so alone :(

I feel my body tense up at that question, I didn't want to lie to her... But how could I tell her the truth? It WAS her BestFriend & I AM her boyfriend & most importantly I don't want to lose her over a stupid mistake of giving into Aleah's flirtatious personality.

Me: We need to talk.

Girlfriend: By talk do you mean seriously or talk as in you're going to take advantage of our moment alone ;)

I laugh out loud at how innocent she is, but it hurts me more than ever knowing that this "talk" may jeopardize being in a relationship with the person that matters most to me.

Me: Seriously Zan. I hope you know I love you, no matter what.

Girlfriend: I love you too Chance, but what's going on?

Not knowing what to say I don't respond to her message knowing it might ruin things over text.

[ Zander ]

Almost immediately after I put my phone down Aleah walks towards me, a puzzled broken look plastered over her face.
"what's wrong" I asked sympathetically
" oh nothing Zan, just feeling a little nauseous"
Aleah looked like she had seen a ghost, something strange was going on first Chance now Aleah...

Chance & I met after school, while walking up to me he had the most apologetic look in his eyes
" Cha-" but I was cut off by chance blissfully kissing me, our lips fitting perfectly together moving in sync, I blush but I didn't want him to know how much his actions had an affect on me. As we break apart he kisses my nose forehead cheek and my neck.
his sweet gestures made my heart swell "Chance!! What's up? Why so lovey today?" I laugh, but when I look up at him he isn't laughing in fact he's crying.
" oh my gosh!! baby, Chance what is it? What has happened?"
" Zander Armani Kehlani Bennett" Chance begins "I didn't mean to fall in love with you, but I did. I am in love with you. your touch sends chills down my spine, your eyes are soft and caring, and every hug scares the breath out of my lungs because I'm scared if I hold you to hard you'll break because of how delicate you are and I'm scared if i hold you to long you'll find yourself in a box and want to get away from me. But Zander I love you and I'm telling you I've made some mistakes. I'm not sure if you love me back, I'm not pressuring you to say it. But my feelings for you develop every time I am an inch closer to you."
I stand there, completely in awe... He loved me. Chance Quincy loved me. I wanted to respond but all the letters in the alphabet could not form a sentence none the less a word to respond to chance. All my confidence had gone... He left me speechless but the only question I had was what mistake had he made that allowed him to react this way?

The following day, School dragged on & on & on, but my lunch period finally came and when it did Aleah & Chance greeted me and assured they'd be back in a sec. But they ALWAYS say that, & I end up eating lunch alone and I was starting to wonder where they went and why I could not join them?! Am I not cool enough. ( nah I'm cool), as they left the cafeteria area I follow behind leaving a distance just Incase they decide to turn around. I started breathing heavily when I notice they find themselves an empty room, occupying it.

Chance IS my boyfriend right? Aleah HAS to be my Best friend we have never left each other's side since kindergarten, 10 who years of creating a foundation & building trust for a friendship to live in, so she most definitely would not sneaker around with Chance.... Right?

I glare through the window hoping to see them studying or making paper planes or something. But my heart is yanked from my chest when I see Aleah Marshall my so called "best friend" tugging and running her hands through MY boyfriends hair while he kissed the lips of MY best friend. I stood there mesmerized by the scene that took place before me. It hurt a lot but I could not seem to pull my eyes away as Harry left love bites along her neck, making her release a soft moan. I didn't realize I was crying until my tears dropped against my shirt staining it.

I was on the verge of walking in and finding out what was really going on until a shocked, guilted pair of hazel/green eyes met mine. I backed away from the door unaware of what to do, and as chance walked out the doorway towards me I began to run. I don't know where
I'm going but I'm running leaving the faint voice of my name being called behind me.

I trusted Chance.. Everything he said was a lie! This is the secret he has been hiding, this is why he & Aleah always find a way to sneak away, this is why he claims to have mistakes. He doesn't love me. He loves freaking Aleah, all this time I've been blind. I knew I should have never fell for his tricks. I wonder how long they have be hurting me behind my back. But really Aleah? I looked at her as my own... A sister even.. But I know now betrayal never comes from your enemies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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