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If you happen to be somebody who is actually in my class, I would recommend leaving now, I am not having any filters in my mind to what I'd going on here and I would not like to crush you with brutal honesty displaying how I really feel about you.
Now that we got that over with, Welcome! I'm so glad you clicked on my sad attempt at a novel. I want to say this is all just a way to vent, but you know as well as I do that I  secretly want fame and recognition. Don't try to lie and tell me you don't want it too. We all do.
This also serves a way to vent though. To figure out what is actually going through my head as I think about these people. All of thier identities are hidden by numbers. No fake names. All if the stories are real,no fiction, just facts. Just letters. If I had enough confidence to send these I would, but I don't so here you go, letters to my classmates.

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