Chapter 1: Fuck. Public. School.

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It's always the same.
Wake up to my first alarm at 5:00am, brush my teeth and hair. Wake up to another alarm at 5:40am and start getting dressed. Wake up to another alarm at 5:45 because I actually didn't wake up to the 5:40 one, get dressed for real. Listen for the 5:55 alarm to know that I only have 5 minutes to get my shit together. Get downstairs by my 6:08 alarm, and get to the bus stop before the 6:15 alarm goes off cause we all know my bitch of a bus driver will leave my ass behind in a heartbeat.

Once I do this, I get to school and walk through the gates of hell and am introduced to the demons and other villainous creatures that lurk in a public high school(obviously I mean cock roaches, and cocky assholes). The cliques that you think only exist in movies yeah they're real. Except the cheerleaders aren't all bitches. The bitches are bitches. The jocks aren't all dumb, the idiots are dumb and some of them play sports. And the grade-A douche bags tags are obviously going to be in a frat and only have one appealing quality(their looks). Then there is also all the people in between you know like theater geeks, nerds, goodies, losers, goths, and the bad boys, and the billions of other cliques that I don't care to name because they're irrelevant.

Here I am stuck in the mix as a nobody. I have no rightful clique. I have a few select friends, all of which in different cliques so I just bounce around to different groups not really having any specific place. I think I'm average in the looks department. Maybe a little bit above I guess? I'm not skinny but not fat. I have long brown hair at my waist and nice clear skin(besides the 3 zits that are forever on my poor poor face) and hazel eyes. But I also have a huge head. Like its round and yeah it's a bitch.

And who the fuck is tapping my shoulder.

"Can I help you?" I sarcastically say before turning around. I swear if it's that interpretive dance club girl again...

"Actually yeah" This hot specimen of a high schooler says Jesus what mold did God use to form this gorgeous piece of- and he continues, cutting off my thoughts.

"You're going out with me this Friday and I need your address so I can pick you up at 7:00." When the hell did I agree to this?

"Last time I checked my agenda it said nothing about a date but let me check again..." He smirks a bit waiting. I sit there digging through my bag for a minute before I turn around and continue.

"Oh I'm sorry I must have left it at home with the fucks you wanted me to give about you." His smirk drops a minute before he chuckles and it's back. Oh that chuckle too bad he's a prick.

"That was cute. You're pretty cute you know that?" Okay this is getting ridiculous.

"Actually I do know that. Now what I don't know is why you're still talking to me and why you started talking to me in the first place."

"Obviously I want to take you on a date. You know that's usually what guys want when they ask you out on a date. To actually go on one."

"You don't really want to go out with me." I say in all seriousness. Like he is waaaaaayyyy above my level in the looks. Maybe not everything else but looks definitely.

"Then why am I really over here, Oh Wise One?" He says leaning in. Back the fuck up dude.

"Well, as I see it, this is just an assumption I'm making on your dark attire, eyebrow and lip piercings and your 'I don't give a Fuck' attitude you belong at that table with the 'Rebels'. And you know, they're also watching us so." This seems funny to him now as he is once again smirking.

"And based on the fact that you think you're above everyone in this shithole and can get probably any girl you want, excluding me of course, you were dared to ask me out or just did it for your friends to laugh at me. What is it? 'Try to get the fat girl to flirt'? Plus your friends have barbies sitting on their lap and you know I sure as hell do not fit the girlfriend criteria if I have to be able to sit on your lap." Now he looks confused, interesting.

"You seriously think you're fat? That's fucking ridiculous. And you could easily sit on my lap you're being absurd." Holy shit. Absurd. That's a big word. Speaking of big....

"I seriously think that you have guessed my weight wrong."

"You can't weigh too much more than the barbies." Are you kidding me. I could probably eat the Barbies and only gain 10 pounds.

"They weigh like 110 maximum!" I weigh a lot more than that." This conversation is ludicrous.

"I bet you that I can pick you up and carry you all the way over there and sit you on my lap and be just fine. Not even make a noise or break a sweat." He will be grunting just picking me up. I can do win this. Although he looks pretty strong he's not like a sports player at our school so I guess he can't be that strong right?

"What are the stakes?" I ask. No way I'm losing something important.

"You win, I leave you alone. I win, you go out with me." Hmmm. Sounds good to me. I got this in the bag.

"You're on." His smirk grows larger than I thought possible.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea......


So I've once again started a new book that will probably never get finished but I thought of the idea in the shower and was like, "hey why the hell not?". So here I am. Once more writing on Wattpad. My track record with finished books is terrible. Seriously like idk. Just please don't get mad. I haven't updated in years and I thought this sounded kinda cute and yeah so.

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