Chapter 2: Barbies are Meant to be Played With

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That up above is our lovely Brittany. I'm sure you guys will love her!

After hearing the 15 minute bell(15 minutes till classes start). The mysterious misfit picked me up by my hips. Only as a reflex of course, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my  arms around his neck. He just chuckled his a adorable chuckle. He then completed his walk in no time with his long strides and sat down with his friends. Me sitting on his lap, straddling him. Well shit.

I hurriedly tried to get off when he once again grabbed my hips and said,"ah ah ah! The bet was I had to carry you then you had to sit on my lap."  To save myself from at least some embarrassment I turned around so I was no longer straddling him. That's when I noticed all the people at the table looking at us. That's also when I almost turned back around towards my captor.

"Okay. I get it you won the bet. You got your date." He just smirked. That stupid smirk. He's always smirking.

" Can't I get a victory kiss?" He asks. Yeah fucking right. Like that was gonna happen.

"Hell no. I said a date. No sexual favors of any kind will take place now or ever between us." His smile drops to a frown. Then bounces back up to his smirk.

"That's what you say now...."

"Uhm. Quick question for the cow sitting on my boyfriend. Why the fuck would he want a sexual favor from your lard ass? He has me." Brittany fucking Rochester. Hate. Her. So. Much.  And apparently so does her "boyfriend" cause he just rolled his eyes at this.

" Alright you Bitchy Ass Barbie. I don't have time to repeat myself so you need to listen up. You were never asked to join this conversation, he obviously just asked ME out, and he probably just played you. That's what people do with Barbies. Play. You know, like pretend? Something I'm sure you've been doing your whole life." And now the whole table was silent.

The late bell rings.

"And now I'm late for class. Thank you sooooooo much  for the inconvenience." And with that I hopped off my apparently "Claimed Man" or at least it sounded like I claimed him in my speech... And went to class, later getting yelled at and getting a detention for being late to class.

By the time I get to class the door is already closed. And locked. Great now to draw attention to myself. I knock.

"Oh would you look at that. Miss Jacobs decided to grace us with her presence! Are you excited to see her class?" Some snicker. Assholes. What happened to "We're All In This Together"

"I'm dearly sorry sir. I was a little held up." I reply. Being nice little old me. A good child. I'm like an angel.

"Dearly sorry my ass. You've always been a disrespectful little thing. Probably dry humping a football player in a closet." This man is a teacher? Ex-fucking-cuse me?

"I'm sorry what is it? Andrew? Well Andrew, here's the thing. I was being harassed and was held against my will and finally slipped away after defending myself from some bitch who thinks she's the queen bee. You should be thankful for my presence because I have the highest grade in this class by a mile shot and I am the only reason your average class score is higher than most teachers. Plus I'm fucking awesome. And watch your mouth! You are a teacher. We need "role models". " he is steaming. Class is laughing. Let's see how this plays out.

"Nice one." I feel hot breath on my neck and these words in my ear and holy hell. I turn around to see....

"Jackass?" I ask incredulously. He smirks.

"In the flesh." That was kinda cute. Did we have a moment? Oh shit where is Brittany to see this?!

"ANOTHER LATE STUDENT?" And that would be Andrew.

"Mr. Carlton-"  Jackass starts.

"It's Clayton."  I laughed at that too, to be honest.

"Mr. Carlton, after hearing your blatant disrespect towards an innocent student and your use of foul language towards said student I don't believe you can punish us." What?

"Excuse me?" He's sooooo pissed oh my god.

"Well if we have detention and have to go to the office then we'll see the principal and have to tell him everything that happened. Including what you said." I'm trying really hard not to laugh but it's not working.

"Just sit down. You've disrupted class enough already." This is gold.

Jackass grabs my hand, pulling me into the class. We sit. Everyone laughs as Mr.Clayton sits at his seat and slams his head on his desk repeatedly.

"Uh Mr.Clayton...", he stops banging his head as a kid from the front starts talking," are we gonna have class today?"

"No. I'm done. Free period everyone. I think I'm gonna quit. I'm seriously done." What is this? What a fucking baby.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jackass face palms.

"We're out of trouble why are you upset?"

"He's being a baby! This is his job! Yeah we're a bunch of pain in the ass kids he has to deal with but he signed up for this!"

"Yeah well-well you guys are harder to deal with than I expected!" Everyone just looks at Mr.Clayton while he starts to tear up.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I exclaim because the most ridiculous thing just happened.

Mr.Clayton ran out of the fucking classroom crying.

And I realized jackass had his arm around my shoulders on the back if my chair.

"ARM OFF NOW JACK BEFORE I RIP IT OFF!" I did not like how comfortable I was with it there.

He just rolls his eyes. Did he just fucking roll his eyes at me?

"So can I like go home now? I'm tired of seeing this bitch hanging off of my man." Seriously Brittany? Are you kidding me?

"One, we obviously don't have a teacher so you can leave. Two, I told him to get his arm OFF of me. Three, no one fucking likes fake as Barbies like you! Who the hell let you out of your box?"

"Can I just point out that like every girl in the world has played with Barbies and loves to play with them... So you're saying I'm loved. " She bites back. Okay.

"Can I just point out that like you just said Barbies get played and called yourself one. So you're saying you get played."

I just got up and walked out. I'm done with her shit.

I cuss so much in this I'm seriously sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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