Mad world

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             Phil's pov
"Charlie, I'm done with this bullshit. You're always doing drugs, and you are ruining my fucking life." I screamed, I felt my fists start to clench.

"Babe, calm down. I will get better, okay?" He said, stepping up from the dinner table. His pupils were huge because of all the pills he's been taking. He's slowly killing himself, which was killing me too.

He passed me his cigarette, and I snatched it hastily; putting it to my lips.

"I'm leaving. I hate you!" I yelled; surprised at my choice of words. I was completely losing it this time. His eyes widened at that; he was angry.

"Get out then. Don't come back either. Remember your parents, Phillip? When they found that you were a fucking faggot? I took you in, and I took care of you." He defended, slamming his fist on the table.

"I-I didn't m-mean it." I stuttered, as sobs were now leaving my lips.

"Get the fuck out, Phil." He said seriously; I put my face in my hands crying. My face was now drenched by tears. I felt horrible.

That was the last time I saw Charlie. I packed my bags and left the hellhole. Honestly, this whole world is a hellhole. So much madness. It overwhelmed me.

Charlie kept begging for me to come back. But, I wouldn't. I was living my good friends, PJ and Chris. I still had the feeling though. I stopped eating, I felt everything around me fall into pieces.

I knew I wanted to die. But I also knew that I didn't have nearly enough guts to do it.

----------- Dan's pov -----------

    It was May 11th, exactly one month away from my birthday. Except, getting older to me wasn't all that interesting.

       I felt alone, I thought sophomore year would be a lot different. But, that's also what I thought about freshman year.

      Now, I do have a small group of friends.

   Maliki; who's the theatrical satanist of the group. He has a kind heart, and he understands people, maybe a bit too much.

     Serena; who is kind of the bad ass of the group. She's full of sex jokes and hyperness. The list could go on.

     Lastly, there's Alexis; who is the most innocent of the group. She has rainbow hair, and she can be super quiet like I can. She isn't around us that much though.

    Back on topic; I feel alone. I need something and I don't know what it is. I hate going crazy like this.

    Why do I have the feeling that someone is out there just waiting for me?
     And why can't I get this imaginary something out of my mind? It's like a magnet trying to pull me where I'm supposed to be.

It's attracting.


  Hey guys! So this is a new book. It's a bit different than other Phan books out there. In this book, Dan is only 15; turning 16 while Phil is turning 19. I thought it would make the story more unique. I wanted it to have a different look. I'm sorry for making Phil smoke, I thought I add the bad ass, kind of depressive image to him. Even though, that's not like Phil at all. Please vote and comment. I've been wanting to write a Phanfiction for awhile ❤️❤️ -Madcatlady

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