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Dan's pov
I was so tired; I was almost falling asleep on the desk. We thankfully only had thirty minute classes because of the half day. I was so thankful.

Phil and I seriously stood up all night. We talked about his dislikes of cheese, my love for llamas, how awesome lions are, and all that kinds of stuff.

He's just so-

"Dan, could you come up and show the class how to do the midpoint formula? Since you have been REALLY paying attention." My bitch ass geometry teacher said sarcastically, I bit my lip in anger as I stomped from the seat.

Geometry has always been my worst subject. I walked up to the white board, and thought for a minute. I pulled the cap from the marker.

I finished the problem, and sat back down. I was already feeling dizzy because of how tired I was.

"That's correct." The teacher said happily. The class copied down my answer on the board and finally, class ended.

     I had to head to French class next. This day is taking forever. I just want to cuddle with Phil.

I took my phone out, and opened my lock screen. I haven't sent Phil a good morning text today.

Me: Good morning, Philly. How did you sleep? ❤️

I felt my cheeks get hot, and I put my phone back into my pocket.

     "Wow, you're actually in class on time." The boy, sitting in front of me, exclaimed. Oh, it's Henry. We talk sometimes; he can be a bit too touchy though.

   "I'm always on time. I'm a good noodle." I joked, he turned back around and I paid attention for the rest of class.

    My last three classes went ridiculously fast. I was so excited to see Phil. My heart was doing the flippy thing, and my body was shaking.

     "What's got you all happy?" Serena joked, as she walked with me down the hall.

      "Phil." I said happily, my smile not leaving my face.

      "Oh my god. Is it the boy on the park bench? You found him? I'm so proud!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

    She stepped back, and I gave her my phone. She looked at it confused.

      "Can you record for me?" I asked, my cheeks heating up even more.

   She nodded and went right on camera. I walked outside of the school and she followed behind me.

      My body started shaking even more. I don't know why I was so excited to see him. I couldn't help all the butterflies going on in my stomach.

       Suddenly, I see Phil walking toward me. His eyes were sparking with energy and excitement. I ran to him wrapping my arms around him; almost making him fall.

      He picked me up a little, and the warmth of my body against his was just amazing. I was so happy to see him.

     "It's only been a day." Phil laughed, as he hugged me tightly. I buried my face into his chest anyways. I have such an uneasy feeling because I'm terrified of scaring him off. I'm scared of losing the one person who makes me feel like this.

            It's only been a day, yet I feel like I've known this boy for years. It kind of scares me. What if he's not interested? I can't have him hate me.

             "Today was just a really long day." I groaned, stepping back from the tight embrace. Serena was still standing there recording, smiling like a idiot.

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