Oh, jungkook. What even happened to JUNGCOCK? It all began when he started watching TLC...
"What the heck are you watching" you ask jeoooooooongk. "The only finest entertainment" he responds. He's watching a fat little girl run around. Whatever
You shook it off the first few days as nothing. But it was so much more. He began talking like that thing. You took him to a nice place to eat, but he threw a fit when they didn't have "cheese balls" "CHEESE BALZ, CHEESE BALZ WHERES MEH CHEEZE BALS" he screamed. You got kicked out.
At the grocery store, he yet threw another fit when they didn't have "go-go juice". "What's even in go go juice" you asked jooooncook. "You know, mud, Sprite, tums, blood, orphan's tears."
Then, you made him have a talk with his mother, who really hates shopping carts. Like, she destroyed like 6 of them last week. The only thing she would respond with is "fuck my life" you could relate on a series level.
Then, he started dressing up as the thing. "You look like a PEDOPHILE" you said to him. "IM JUST LOOKIN FOR MY MAMA JUNE!" He responded. "Why are you dressed like that" you asked him. "Im going to a pageant" jeonooonnnnkook said. You HAD TO STOP HIM!
"People are gonna thing you're a pedophile with no life" you scolded him. He just said you don't under stand him. Shut the fuck up you edgy 13 year old. "I just want my best friend back" you said. "IIIIMMMMM SEREYYYYYY" he said as he ugly cried.
You were so confused you ate yourself.
Jeonghan is so very surprised
Roman d'amourA smut with a very sexy twist. Don't read if you have a humming bird heart ;) lik if u chogiwa svt!!!!! <3