Chosen Weapons.

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Roy. POV
I tuned the cable, fixing the TV, bored of doing nothing might at least watch some television. The news, only covered Beacon County not other areas, I had to look online to feel closer to Speedy.
"There was a Murder, behind an ice cream shop in Beacon Hills, on Tuesday night, police still have no comment."
It was gruesome, the victim was stabbed five times I counted, three in the heart and twice in the head. There was a ritualistic carving on the bodies. It was like five circles intersecting each other.
The body seemed dumped behind the ice cream shop. The wrists and ankles seemed tied to a rope.
I was there, at the crime scene, in the crowd. No really paid attention to my as Jason, just another kid. I even took pictures (selfies) without getting yelled at. I needed to find the murderer.
I got up and gathered my quiver and my Arsenal suit ready. I quickly made my dinner, and ran out of the house, going straight to the police station. I was bored, telling the truth, and curious, I don't know why, but I wanted to know more about this town, it was like I knew it.
I walked in with my quiver under my jacket. Then went to the bathroom. Thanks to the Felicity Hyped up computer, I hacked in, the servers but the details of the murder was on the Captain's computer which was on a completely different thing. I had to go to the hardware. "Thank you Felicity." I could see the blueprints of the police station. There was an air vent on top of me that would lead me to the right to office. I climbed into the vents and started crawling. I was nervous, I started to hear, creeks, and racks--
I started falling, the roof caved in, with th puff of dust I fell into a room full of officers. I landed on my feet, nothing broken. Thank God I had my Arsenal Suit on still.
All of them sat up, with their guns pointing at me. I armed my bow, "Whoa Whoa, buddy!" One of them said, I think his name was Parrish. He lowered his gun, "We just wanna know why you were up in the vents." He look at my eyes, which I looked away. "Everyone put your guns down!" Parrish commanded.
Everyone did, and then a person came in, "What the Hell!"
"No!" He yelled out
Before I reacted the bullet hit my shoulder blade. It hurt like ten knives stabbing me, it electrified my whole body. "Gah--"
I launched, a smoke bomb arrow, "Where did he go?" "Find him!" I ran into Sheriff Stilinski's office and I plugged in my Flashdrive into his computer and all his files were copied in to it. Fast. It seemed like minutes, I felt the blood from my should seeping down. I grabbed the Flashdrive, and put in my pocket, I shot a grappling arrow out the window and it pulled me out the building, breaking the window.
"Shoot him down!" One of the officers shouted. One of the bullets cut my line.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I started to fall, I shot an other one, and I sound violently into on office building window. "Shit," I felt glass in the side of my stomach. I was bleeding more. They saw me, then the shots shot toward my direction. I ran and kneeled down in to a desk, for cover, I looked eye level, and and armed my bow, and pulled back and let go.
I could hear the loud bang of my explosive arrow. I got up and ran. I ran to my car, taking off my Arsenal Hood. "Damn, it's gonna take long time to get the blood stains out." I laughed hiding my pain.
I dragged my legs toward the fixed door, and I closed it shut loudly, I could feel the glass rubbing against each other, against my skin. I held my wound shut as I walked up the stairs toward the bathroom. With one arm I looked for the rubbing alcohol, I grabbed scissor fiercely pulling out the glass. I dug in my shoulder and pulled out the bullet. I wrapped my
chest with bandages and my shoulders too. I sat down on my bed with agony. I huffed out and looked at the time with the rising sun. I plugged in the Flashdrive into my laptop and found not just one murder, but several. Two. With the same M/O
Teen. At least 17 in age, a symbol carved into the chest, three stab wounds, under a full moon. Since tonight is full moon as well, I pressed on my numb shoulder. I think there is going to be another murder.
I looked at the time 4:00 am. It's a good time to knock on someone's door, I thought. I put my Arsenal Suit on and went out of the house and drove. I stopped at a small house, across town it was beige, with a brown lining I think, almost the newer and better version of my house. I shot an electric arrow to disable the security system. I snuck in through the back entrance, fast. All the sudden, I felt a cold barrel of gun pressing down on the back of my neck. "Who the hell are you?"
"I'm just here to help," I replied, I had my voice modifier on, "There's going to be another murder tomorrow night."
"Why should I trust you, Robin Hood?"
"Because you helped me Deputy Parrish." I said. He took the gun off my neck.
"Alright just put you bow down, come in my kitchen, hurry."
"Deputy, I think these killings are ritualistic. The moon, the symbol, and the age."
"We know." Parrish said. "The weird thing is that the DNA CSI pulled off the crime scene was distorted, unmatchable, it's like the killer doesn't have fingers."
That doesn't surprise me. I was unshaken. "Do you know what the murder weapon is?"
"Yes, a double edge steel knife." Deputy Parrish showed me the estimated weapon in a folder with extra information in it. I was reading it, in was silent, "it's you? Isn't it? The archer that goes through different cities. The red one. From Starling. But you're not that kid girl running around, Speedy."
I said nothing.
"You're a different one. More empathic."
"Is this all the info you have?"
"All the info I could get without being questioned."
I started to walk away, when he put his arm on my shoulder, "I want to help too, like you do and Green Arrow."
"You'll get hurt."
"Then I'll be you're Intel, you're probably new here, you don't know anything."
I sighed, "Fine," I gave him a cellphone, "It's untraceable. So reach me when you have something." I switched on the EMP arrow and the whole house went dark. I ran out, grabbing my bow before he knew I was gone.
I dropped my whole body on the bed. I took off my clothes and took a nice hot shower. Well, cold seemed the only option in this house. It felt nice, on my new wounds, I washed my hair, and cleaned my wounds again.
I changed into regular clothes. And my phone rang.
The call was coming from Gotham. No one important.
I started the car and drove toward the school, a part of me wanted me to do this, be a normal teenager, finish my schooling.
"So you came from Amesty Bay?"
"That's right, I took a year off because my parents died and the legal system didn't know what to do with me. So I did some soul searching. And here I am." I told the guidance consular. She wasn't much older, mid twenties, African American, petite.
"Okay Jason. I just have to get in the papers done and you can start school on Monday." She smiled, "I hope you like Beacon Hills High." It sounded like she didn't know I was lying or tell the truth, she inspected me. Hoping to get the truth, but I'm great liar.
I walked down the hallway, and I bumped into a girl, Japanese, I think, was pretty cute too. "I'm so sorry!" she looked down bowing in apologies.
"No it was my fault." I told her, grinning a little.
I helped her with picking up her papers and her textbook.
She looked at me, with confusion and a bit of fear but remembrance. "I'm sorry." She got up, "I didn't get your name?"
"I'm R-Jason Rodgers."
Her eyebrow twitched, "Okay Jason. I'm Kira. Are you entering our school?"
"Actually I just dropped off my papers."
"Okay see you Monday."
"Monday it is." I smiled.
She smiled too. I turned around and started to walk away from her and out the school, but before I touched the door, I felt this cold chill like someone was watching me, I quickly, I reached for a flechette turned around, the hallway was clear. I opened the door and went to my car, and drove, as I drove, my phone rang. Parrish.
"They found another one."
"Okay. Meet me in the Morgue tonight."
"Got it."
Beacon Hills Morgue.
The morgue turned out to be in the Hospital. How Charming. It was in the first floor of hospital, so it was easily for me to get into. "Finally." Parrish said.
"Same M/O?"
"Yeah. The symbol, the murder weapon, the blue--"
The doors opened and a scrawny teenage boy appeared with Kira.
"What the Hell?" The scrawny boy and I said at the same time. Kira took off her belt and it magically flatten into a samurai sword, oh god.
"Parrish go!" The scrawny kid said, tugging him away.
Kira ran toward me and I armed my bow, and let go, but she kept on defecting my arrows, I felt my quiver had nothing. Shit, No more! God I hate this. I took out my least favorite weapon:
The Sword.
I quickly took it out deflected her attacked. I swiped, and she would deflect it.
Her attitude changed, her eyes glowed, like yellow. Her attack became stronger. She lashed across my body almost killing me. Then, up my face.
Okay time to change tactics. I pressed a button and my sword became a trident.
I struck down on her sword and it flew across the room. I smacked her knocking her out. Sorry.
I hesitated, Then someone bashed my head behind me.
My ears started to wake me up first, "We can just leave him like that!" Parrish said.
"Well I need to know what he knows. I don't like him."
"Stiles! He's trying to help us."
My head rung and a flechette rolled down my sleeve. And I started to cut my way out of rope, tying me to a hospital bed.
"Well I took off his mask and now we know who he is,"
You did what now! With my free hand I felt my face it's actually gone! Distractions aside I untied my other hand, and my feet silently. I looked around for my trident and my empty quiver and bow.
"What were we supposed to do? A vigilante here, in Beacon Hills! My dad is gonna freak!" He said angrily
"And what is he gonna do to him?"
I grabbed everything and shot Stiles and the Deputy, with a tranquilizer dart. I ran with my mask out of the hospital and three blocks away I drove away in my car.
I went inside my house and made a chart. The difference between this victim was it was in the day time.
I took off my Arsenal equipment, and looked at Thea's picture.

The Weapons That Follow// Arrow//Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now