It Started

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Love builds bridges where there are none. - RH Delaney.

It all started at 12:30 at lunch on the second day of senior year.

"12:30 - Lunch

You never fail to make me smile. ~ A"

It was written in a square blue sticky note. The handcraft was a little bit messy, and I couldn't recognize it.

There were sticky notes pasted in my locker or outside my locker's door everyday. And it never failed to remind me when he had thought about it. He. Yes, I figured that he was a boy.. well, he kind of wrote it on one of his notes.

Anyway, I just remembered that first time because there's another note stuck on my locker door. I took it off before reading and opened my locker. I posted it in one of my locker walls, along with the other notes, and took out a sharpie from my pen box.

I read the note first, "8:05.. Why haven't I seen you around? Are you sick or just late? I'll post another note when I see you - just a head's-up. ~ A"

"I was late." I wrote under his note. I always do that. I don't like ignoring people so I still respond to my stalker's - or as my best friend call him, admirer - note. It's weird but I just feel like responding even if it's just a note.

"Hey, hey! What goes on?" Kate nudged me on the side with her elbow. She peeked through my locker, "another note from sticky note boy a.k.a lover boy, eh." She winked at me.

I sighed audibly. "Yeah.." I trailed off dissapointedly, "you're my best friend and you're always psyched about me having a suitor or a stalker."

"Admirer," she corrected. She then opened her locker, which is beside mine, and then started talking. "Well aren't you happy about having an admirer?"

"No, I'm not." I closed my locker and leaned on it.

She glanced at me as she took out her textbooks, "why not?"

"Because stalkers--"

"Admirers." She interrupted.

"--are all mysterious and--"

She interrupted again, "that's the gist of being an admirer. Being all mysterious and sweet. Duh." She chuckled.

"Well I don't like how they're mysterious and sweet, it's creepy." I watched her zipped up her bag and turn to me.

"Let me explain," she said and placed an arm around me. She kept talking about things and blah, blah, blah. Good thing it was lunch because if it wasn't we're going to have detention when the teacher sees us, I mean her, talking to me or passing me notes.

"Are you even listening?" she asked while picking up her fork.

I didn't even notice that we already had our food and were now sitting on our usual spot. "Of course I am." I told her, "last thing you said was that stalkers would give hints and clues."

I looked at her after I answered. I was surprised that she didn't correct my use of the word stalker.

"It's admirer," she looked down at her salad and started eating.

I gave a blank face, well I guess I talked early.

"Hey," she glanced at me then looked behind me. "Look behind you."

I turned around and saw Adam Blaze and his crew. Right. -_-

"More jerks," I told her and went back to eating my food.

Sticky Note BoyWhere stories live. Discover now