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Hello everyone!!!! So lately something has come to my attention... Not all of my readers like 1st perspective stories. So I have be doing a lot of thinking lately. Yes, I know that it may not seem like a big deal but it is to me. So I have decided to write this book. Now I am very excited with the plot. In this story Louis will be goth and treated badly because of it and Harry will be girly and will also be treated badly because of it. But here is the part I am not too excited about... This is the first story I haven't written in 1st person, this book will be written entirely in 3rd person. I hope you all will enjoy!


It started slow for Harry Styles. He was about 11 years old when we realized he wasn't like the other boys his age. He didn't like Little League Base-Ball , he didn't like sports at all. Instead he liked to stay inside and cook , draw , read , or play Dress - Up with his younger sister Gemma. Harry's mother took note of this and tried to protect her son from his father the best way she could but it was harder than she thought.

Harry's mother and sister didn't care what Harry liked as long as it made him happy but his father on the other hand had a strict belief on how a boy should behave. And Harry didn't follow that belief.

One night, Harry's mother was tried from work. Gemma and Harry were in the middle of playing Dress - Up. Harry had a Beautiful flower crown in his Chocolate curls and attached to the Crown was a veil.

"Mother? Don't I make a beautiful bride?",Harry questioned in his 11 year old voice. Harry's mother was happy and it warmed her heart to see her son so happy. She hoped one day Harry would be a beautiful bride. But she knew that her husband was coming home soon and if he saw Harry like this it wouldn't be pretty for either of them.

She kneeled down and kissed Harry's forehead. "You will make a lovely bride. Now please go change before...

Harry's mom was interrupted by Harry's dad walking through the door. Harry's mom pushed Harry behind her. It wouldn't matter if he saw Gemma dressed up for she behaved how Harry's dad believed a girl should behave.

"I am home!", Harry's father exclaims before walking into the kitchen where his family is. His picks up Gemma and kisses her on the cheek. He puts her back down. Gemma smiles. "You are the most beautiful bride",Harry father smiles. After hearing his father's words Harry becomes hurt.

"Gemma, wasn't the only bride!",He thought.

He moved from behind his protective mother and showed himself. He had a smile on his face. "What about me Father? Aren't I a beautiful bride too",Harry asked as he twirled around. Harry had never felt more himself.

But after hearing no response he looked up at his father who had a disguised look on his face. "Father?",Harry questions as he feels tears threatening to fall down his face.

"You are a boy! Understand! Boys don't stay inside and help cook and clean and play dress up on their free time! And most of all boys don't wear flower crowns and they don't become beautiful brides!",Harry's dad yells before pulling the Flower crown off Harry's head, throwing it to the ground, and stepping on it destroying the beautiful item.

"John! C'mon Harry was just having a bit of fun, that's all",Harry's mom reasons earning a hard slap across the face from Harry's dad. Harry's mom falls back on the counter in pain.

Harry wipes away his tears. "Don't touch my mother!",Harry yells. Harry's Dad chuckles in his face. "Either you start acting like the boy I raised or there is a lot more where that came from",He father smirks.

From then on Harry knew that he would never be accepted. For 6 years he was everything his father wanted him to be. He was captain of the baseball team and had a girlfriend named Taylor Swift.

Harry knew everything was an act but he had nothing to gain being his true self until he moved across the street from him.

Things started fast for Louis Tomlinson unlike Harry Styles. Louis was born into a horrible family. Both his parents were addicted to drugs. Police men came and separated Louis from his family when he was 14. Louis was then put into foster care and was moved house to house. Louis was 15 when he got the reputation as a trouble maker because if his last home.

Louis never got love. And still hasn't to this day. But when a beautiful Blue eyed boy named Niall started showing interest in him he felt important. Niall was the only biological son of the Horan family. And once the Niall's mom found out she couldn't have any more children she went to foster Louis. The boys were apart in age. Niall was 20 and Louis' was 15.

Everyday Niall would put cute Post-It notes into Louis' back- pack so Louis would think about him at school. And when Louis got home from school Niall listened to Louis talk about his day even if it was boring.

Niall listened to Louis and after all these years Louis felt like he found someone to love and trust.

2 years after Louis stayed at the home The Horans were ready to adopt him and before that Niall and Louis became an official couple.

Louis had always wanted a family so he was thrilled that a great family wanted to adopt him but that meant he would have to break things off with Niall.

Louis sat in his bed and Niall sat close to him as Louis tried to explain. "You know I love you Niall, but you know how long I have wanted a family. And this is what's best for the both of us. I am sorry but I have to break up with you",Louis says. Niall nods in agreement.

"I understand",He says before placing his lips of Louis'. Louis responds to the kiss. And Niall gets on top of him ripping off his shirt. He starts placing hurtful kisses all over Louis' chest.

Louis tries to push Niall off. "Niall, stop I am not ready yet",Louis says. Niall ignores Louis pleads and rapes him.

Louis feels un-bearable pain. He feels stupid, used, dirty, worthless and ... unloved. He goes to the only place his knows for help... Niall's parents.

Louis told them everything about him and Niall. But Niall's parents only focused on what Louis did and blamed him for their son raping him. Niall didn't stick up for Louis at all but inside when along with the lie.

Niall's parents told Louis' social worker they couldn't deal with a trouble maker like him in there home. So Louis was 16 back to square one.

He stayed for a group home for a while when he met Liam. Liam learned how to do tattoos and piercings from his uncle before he got put into foster care and did all Louis' tattoos and piercings.

Liam taught Louis how to become a tattoo artist and now they are both equality good at it. Liam and Louis became best friends. Louis still found it hard to trust people now a days so he couldn't say he fully trusted Liam but he somewhat did.

Then one day we was pulled out the group home to live in another families' house that was right across the street from his'.

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