I | With the Flip of a Coin

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"Please tell me I'm not going to regret my decision to stay at Ouran."
- An Indecisive Nerd

|Chapter 1|

"My chest isn't that small is it, Kip?"

"Meow." Kip lazily crawled down the bed and jumped onto the desk near my mirror. "Meow." The black cat then made a sound that sounded like a mix between a laugh and a hiss.

I sighed. "What am I doing?" I stared at my mirror for a few more minutes debating whether or not to change my clothes. My bitter black coffee eyes stared back at me in humor as if challenging me to do better. I ruffled the mess that is my hair and glanced at the digital clock: 7:30.

"Natsume! Please hurry down to breakfast! You're going to be late!" I quickly scanned my clothing combination and hastily grabbed my messenger bag full of textbooks. The clothes weren't much but they were the closest to the uniform consisting of a collared white shirt, a black tie, a pair of worn down sneakers, and my brother's old dress pants to boot. Kip pounced from her position and ran to the kitchen with me where she pawed my mother for breakfast.

  "Good morning, Mom," I merely whispered when hugging her. She smiled and pulled away.

  "My babies are growing up!" She fake sniffed and grabbed a random tissue from the counter for a more dramatic affect. "Oh, I'm sure your father would be proud if he wasn't at work right now! Rumor has it that he's getting a raise!" The room became completely dark with a lone spotlight on her. "But now that Dad is working both the nightshift and dayshift, it looks like I have to be the dad so from now on, I won't let. Any. Boy. Touch. You."

  "Mom!" My face turned rosy and Kip turned her head to the side in confusion.

  "Ohohoho. I'm kidding, darling. You know I ship you with every cute boy I see," she giggled with joy ignoring my beet red face. "Now, let me fix your collar."

  When she was done, her overworked hands slowly held on to the fixed collar and her forehead landed on my chest. A quiet sob erupted and I attempt a smile. "Mom, don't worry. I won't turn out like Kuro." I embraced her for a few more seconds before she let go.

  "I'm sorry Natsume, dear. I'm just overwhelmed by the pressure he has bestowed upon us." I wiped the tears away from her face as Kip somehow crawled around my neck, purring affectionately but then immediately hissing for food. "Alright, I already packed your lunch and breakfast is on the table. I better hurry before Kip here eats it instead," she said with a weak smile.


  "Oh, and Natsume dear." Her back was turned towards me after she tried to wipe her tears away. She grabbed Kip's bowl and some canned catfood.


  "You have five minutes before school starts."

  Quickly wolfing down the meal, I thanked and hugged my mother one last time, petted Kip behind her ear, and ran out the door with my violin in tow.


  My eyes adjusted to the extravagantly crafted building and roamed around its perimeter taking in detail of its overall design. "Wow..." The fresh breeze flew by with the doves trailing near it. The colossal clock resounded in the rosy- scented area signaling me to enter the building and hurry to class.

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