One - The Beginning

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Eleanor's P.O.V.

I was awaken that morning by the ringing of my alarm clock. It sat on the end table next to my bed, on the left. I hit the 'off' button, hoping for a few more minutes of sleep. Saying to myself I had school and couldn't sleep-in, I sat up in my bed. I stood up, swinging my legs on the side of the bed and pushing myself up. I turned to my bed, making it up.

I walked over to my closet, sliding the door open and looking for something decent to wear. I decided on a nice pink-like orange dress with a black button-up jacket, and some nice black slippers. I walked into the bathroom, getting dressed. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth, exiting the bathroom and entering the kitchen. "Good morning mom and dad." I smiled at my parents.

"Good morning, Eleanor." My dad said, glancing over his news paper.

"Morning." Mom smiled at me. I walked over to the table and sat down.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Bacon, eggs and toast." Mom said, dishing out breakfast. We began to eat, having a nice conversation as we did. After we were done eating, my dad stood up.

"Alright, I'm off to work now. Eleanor, do you want me to drop you off at school." My dad asked me, as he filled up his mug with some more coffee.

"Yes, please." I said. I stood up from the table, carrying my empty plate over to the sink and placing it gently inside, as to not shatter the glass. I walked over to the front door, grabbing my backpack and saying to mom, "I'm off to school now. See you later, mom, love you. Bye." I kissed my mom's cheek.

"See you when you get back. I love you too." She smiled at me. My dad kissed my mom goodbye, and turned to the front door. We walked outside and I walked over to the passenger door of the car. My dad unlocked it and I got in, fastening my seatbelt. Dad backed out of the driveway, and drove onto the road. Time for the school day to begin. I thought to myself.

We arrived at the school building, holding a small conversation about grades. "Thanks again, dad, for driving me to school." I smiled, blowing my father a kiss.

"You're welcome, honey." He said, blowing a kiss back. He drove off to his job, and I turned to walk into the big building. Though I didn't have to, I wasn't late or anything, I jogged to class.

I opened the door to math and walked in. I sat at my school desk and pulled out my books, ready to learn. School was nowhere near finished, in fact, I was only just heading to lunch. I brought my own, because I normally did that. Mom would make me lunch all the time, and I appreciated it.

As I was about to open the cafeteria doors, a voice behind me said, "Hey, Eleanor." I turned around and was met with blue eyes.

"Hi, Connor." I smiled. Connor Ball, possibly the nicest guy in school. He had blue eyes, blonde hair with some brown in it, and he had a British accent.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good, thank you. How about yourself?" I gave a questioning look.

"Oh, I'm fine. Thanks." He said, his gaze fixed on the floor. I had a pretty good feeling that something was definitely wrong. I didn't know whether or not to question him further about it, so I just brushed it off. I felt guilty, but I figured he didn't want to talk about it, otherwise he wouldn't have said he was fine. He was far from that. If I wasn't going to ask about it, the least I could do was ask him if he wanted to sit at my table.

"Well, would you like to sit at the table with my friends and I?" I asked.

"Really!?" His face lit up. "I would love to, thanks." He said, a grin now appearing on his face.

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