Four - S*** Hits The Fan Part 2

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Liam's P.O.V.

Summer.... It had come quite quick. Though it could just be me, I'm not sure. Summer was upon us, we were apparently going to stay at some kind of cabin. It all started with James.


It was three months before summer, right after Tristan supposedly went missing.

My friends and I were sitting at our table, it being lunch time. We were in school, Monday. "Hey guys! Oh, and Louis." James greeted us, throwing a little shade at Louis.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well, does any of you have plans for summer?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. There was a bunch of 'no's' around the table. James then gestured to everyone who sat at the table. "Well, I was wondering if you all wanted to come stay at a cabin with me? You know, for the whole summer." He said.

"Where is this cabin, exactly?" Zayn questioned, all eyes on James now.

"Just somewhere in the woods. You know, nothing too special, like Vegas." He smirked. Like idiots, we all decided we had plans for the summer. Visiting a cabin... with James.

So after a few more months of school, we found ourselves on a bus... to the woods... in which we'd be heading to the cabin...

*End Of Flashback.*

That's where we are now... On a bus. I don't know what James was talking about. The cabin was fairly far away, at least a good 5miles. It took us 6 hours to get there. We were only then pulling up.

We all walked off the bus and what stood before us was so magnificent. Indeed it was a cabin, but it was not your ordinary cabin... it was much bigger.

"Whoa." Joe said, in pure shock. I had the same thoughts... Whoa... "You have a lot of money." She spoke.

"What? No, I don't, my parents do. This came from their money, not mine. I get allowance, but never enough to pay for something like this." James said. Joe looked at it in absolute awe. And I'm sure a lot of us masked her.

"Well, how many rooms are there?" I asked.

"Five." He said. Five! I thought.

"How are we all suppose to share just five rooms?" Louis asked. James rolled his eyes, but didn't reply.

"Looks like we'll have to share." I shrugged. "Okay, so there's fifteen of us. James, Connor, Brad, Joe, Camille, Anna, Eleanor, Perrie, Nikki, Zayn, Dean, Louis, Niall, Harry, and myself." I said.

"Yeah?" Connor said.

"I'll share a room with Zayn and Dean. Louis will share a room with Harry and Niall. James, you'll share a room with Connor and Brad. Perrie can share a room with Eleanor and Nikki. And you three-" I gestured to Joe, Camille and Anna. "Can share the last room." Everyone nodded.

"Fine by me." Louis said.

"Just shut up." James snapped. They hate each other. I don't even know why Louis came.

We all walked into the enormous cabin, taking in our surroundings. The place was huge, and might I just say, very nice. There was a nice fireplace to the left of the front door. In front of it sat the couch, nice pattern and all. A rug was sprawled underneath it. There was two arm chairs, on each side of the couch. A TV was placed on the wall above the fireplace. The kitchen was straight ahead of the front door, and to the right of the door was the staircase. The carpet was a nice off white, and the walls were wood, like a cabin. The kitchen had nice white concrete tiles. The cabinets were a dark red wood, so was the table. It was amazing to me.

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