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An incessant buzz wakes me from my sleep. Lifting my head slowly, I squint my eyes and look around for the object causing it. It's too dark in here. I can't see anything. I pat around until my hand finds my phone, resting on top of my jeans. Furrowing my eyebrows, I wonder for a moment why my jeans aren't on my body—or at least folded and put away.

Eventually, my eyes adjust to the lighting and they widen instantly. I curse under my breath and push my hair out of my face. To my horror, I turn and find Grayson sound asleep next to me in his bed. I'm wearing only a bra and underwear and Grayson is shirtless, as far as I can tell.

My head drops in my hands and I sigh heavily. "What the hell, Ivy?" I quietly scold myself. How did I allow myself to fall asleep here, in his bed, next to him?

I reach for my phone again and check the time. It's nearly three in the morning. I groan and roll my eyes, but my heart skips a beat when I realize—I missed work.

Frantically unlocking my phone, I realize what all the buzzing was about. I have a dozen messages from my boss and a few missed calls from other dancers asking where I am. Oh God. I'm in so much trouble.

This can't be happening. I mean, I know I won't lose my job because I'm the most requested dancer that Matthew has and I'm basically the only reason people keep coming to the Play Pen in the first place. My concern lies with the fact that I slept in someone else's bed by my own will...and they didn't pay me to do it.

Everything that happened between Grayson and I yesterday comes flooding back to me so quickly it makes my head hurt. We actually got intimate. Not just in a sense that we slept together, but it genuinely meant something. He made it mean something.

For a moment, a smile begins to form on my lips at the thought, but I quickly shake my head at the feeling. God, this is so bad. Now Grayson thinks I want him to try for me, that I want him to show me what a real relationship is like.

On one hand, I do actually want that and I want it with him, but I can't let him know that. The moment he knows that I could potentially develop feelings for him, it's game over. I won't be able to resist his attempts and next thing I know, I'll be in a committed relationship.

I shudder at the thought.

As quietly as I can, I grab my jeans off the bed and stand, rummaging around Grayson's carpet in search of my sweater. Eventually, I find it, cheering quietly and pulling it on over my head. I stand up and put one leg through my jeans. However, I struggle with the second. Being unable to see where to put my foot in and balancing on one leg while I try to figure it out, I become unsteady. I start jumping around on one leg to maintain my stamina and I quietly condemn the darkness of this damn room.

All within one quick moment, I manage to step on my pant leg and propel myself forward, squealing as I land face first on the bed. I feel Grayson sit up quickly and he reaches for the lamp on his nightstand. I chose to remain with my face planted in the sheets and one leg in my pants. I have no dignity anymore.

"Ivy?" His voice is hoarse and heavy. I imagine him rubbing his eyes as he tries to understand what exactly he's looking at. "What are you doing?" He says while trying to stifle a laugh.

I sigh and lift my face from the mattress. "Who knew jeans were so difficult to put on in the dark?" I force a sarcastic laugh and stand up, glaring at my one pant leg, wishing it could feel intimidated by my gaze.

He glances at the clock next to the lamp before looking over at me. "It's almost three. Where are you going?"

Why does that question make me so sad? His voice is so husky and deep right now, but the question itself sounds desperate, like I'm abandoning him or something.

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