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The day is finally here. Grayson has practically been talking about this art exhibit since the day I met him, and it's finally here.

I blame my lack of people skills for having the expectation that he would be excited. This is what he loves doing. He talks about art all the time with so much interest and passion, I figured he would be like a kid in a candy store today. Instead, he's a complete mess.

He's been frantically running around the house for the past two hours; getting himself ready, triple checking his hair and clothes to make sure everything is in order, and also obsessively rearranging the pillows on the couch...for some reason.

"Ivy, where did I put my shoes?" He asks in a panic as he walks past the bathroom door.

I continue to look in the mirror and apply my makeup as I answer. "Did you check the closet?"

"Yes, I checked my closet." He calls from his room.

I pause. "Did you check your feet?"

"My feet? Ivy don't be ridiculous—oh, you're right. I already have my shoes on." I hear him mumble and I laugh to myself as he appears in the doorway of the bathroom, staring at me in the mirror. "What would I do without you?"

I purse my lips for a second before answering. "I guess you'd freak out about not being able to find shoes that are already on your feet."

"Touché. You look absolutely stunning, by the way." He eyes me in the mirror and I smile.

"I hope so. I pulled out my best shit for this and I haven't spent this much time putting on makeup since my sister's wedding, so I better look drop-dead gorgeous."

In earnest, I wasn't sure what to wear to this thing. As a stripper, my night life was pretty bleak because I was always working. I never acquired a lot of clothes for going out. My only reference for the dress code is what Grayson told me he was going to wear: a suit and tie. So, I knew it was formal, but I'm not used to dressing formal.

After hours of pulling shit out of my closet, I decided to go with a long, black gown with a slit in the leg. I was actually supposed to wear it to a bachelorette party for one of the dancers at the Play Pen, but they broke off their engagement. I remember being pissed because I'd already bought the dress, but her fiancé had just run off with a man, so I guess I couldn't find it in me to hold a grudge.

"Well, you look beyond drop-dead gorgeous. So, I would say mission accomplished there. We should leave in about ten minutes. I have to figure out where I left my car keys and then check my jacket again to make sure there's no hair on it."

"Keys are on the kitchen counter and I left the lint roller on the end table in the living room."

Grayson smiles and places his hands on my waist, pulling me in and kissing me quickly. "This is why I love you. I'd lose my mind if you weren't here."

I roll my eyes at him. "You'd be just fine, but I'm glad I could help."

Grayson turns me toward him and stares me dead in the eyes. "I mean it, Ivy. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't coming with me tonight. If you couldn't tell already, I'm insanely nervous."

"Are you? I was thinking you were just getting extra forgetful."

"Shut up." He smiles at me and grabs my hands. "I could never do this without you. I know I'm already running around like a mad man, but it would be so much worse if you weren't here. The only reason I feel any kind of relief or comfort in any of this is because you're doing it with me. That means more than I could ever express to you. Okay?" He asks and pushes my hair behind my ear.

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