Bonnie is going to get rocked

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Everyone was sitting in the t.v. Room playing mario cart. Until Goldenspringtrap123 got a ping on her phone.

Goldenspringtrap123: *pauses game reads dare* omg frifri get you sorry butt right here and read dis.

Frifri: *reads* Freddy Bonnie springtrap and golden freddy get over here.

Goldenspringtrap123 we got a dare from ThanosPaplos he dares golden freddy to kiss springtrap and Freddy to kiss bonnie.

Golden, springtrap, Freddy, Bonnie: WHAT!!!

Goldenspringtrap123: You heard me now golden and springy get to kissing

GOLDEN and springtrap got close together but springtrap tripped and crashed into golden freddy. When they opened their eyes they were shocked, springtrap and golden were kissing. Springtrap got up and ran to his room while golden Freddy did the same.

Frifri: Now its your turn Bonnie and Freddy.

Bonnie and Freddy got together but what happened next surprised everyone. Freddy grabbed Bonnie and dipped kiss him Bonnie hesitated but started to kiss back. Sparks were flying then balloon boy magically appeared

Goldenspringtrap123 and frifri: *ash Ketchum hat on* Look a wild balloon boy appeared.

Freddy looked up and yelled POKEMON REFERENCE.

And bonnie fell to the ground.

Hey the toys here, Goldenspringtrap123 and frifri went chasing after balloon boy again so please comment, vote, and dare

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