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A/N: hey guys ;) , sorry it's been so long. More than an entire month actually. As you know me and Imogen have our own books that are super busy to control so writing this book is always at the back of our minds. We usually take turns in writing the chapters and this one was meant to be Imogen's but tonight I have nothing else to do so I thought I would update for you guys because I know Imogen's really busy and that's perfectly OK and also some of you I know really enjoy this. That's really sweet. Thank you :). I hope you enjoy it. Happy New Year too. Love you all. Keep reading and commenting- we love to hear your thoughts.

Grace xxx

Riley POV

It's now been a week at college. I'm now adjusting ALOT more to this school, feeling more comfortable and relaxed here. I still get a bit lost at times but overall it's been a really cool start to a new experience.

James and I since we chatted last week have met up a few times, he already has to start preparing for this big Spanish exam for mid-terms so I've been prepping him well since he knows nothing. The best I got of hello was Hole instead of Hola. Typical. We've actually been spending a lot of time together recently and I've got to know a lot about him. I'm still not that into him he definitely doesn't appear to me as the unique kind but he's nice. A good friend you'd say. Well at least that's after school publicity hours are over. He's totally popular- hasn't yet got a girlfriend but I'm almost adamant that he'll get one within the next three days. Well he's master plan mind has told me. He's also helped me find my magic guy too. Things with Charlie, since I talked to James have been good.

So one week from me and James' deal, things seem to be working. I can only tutor him between hours of 7pm and 9pm due to public viewing risks. He's so cautious I know- but you know James. He's the new found jock of our college- he can't be known to be tutored by me. No not at all. My roommates always study between those hours too so he usually comes to mine, every Tuesday and Sunday telling his roomies he's gone to study in the library. That's James for you.

And I never think he will ever change.


James POV

"Hello?" I speak as my phone suddenly rings
"Oh hey mum"
"I'm good yeah. 1 week in" I say, luckily the boys have gone to get food. Convos with my mum always are so embarrassing to say the least.
"No. No sex yet" I roll my eyes as she keeps her voice sturdy over the phone.
"Yes put it in the books mum." I laugh
"No. No girls. I have met this one girl though who's offered to tutor me" I say and her expression cheers up
"Yeah she's really nice"
"Yeah not the dating type though. She's hot and all, just can't see myself going out with her. It'd be like dating a teacher you know what I mean?" I pause listening to her response.
"Like a date? I already told you mum- I'm not interested in her" I say shuffling uncomfortably on my bed.
"Oh, I guess."
"Yeah ok mum. It can't be a date though. How do I not make it a date?"
"What like take her out and talk to her about life, not love?" I ask her and she replies making me laugh
"Yeah I'll bring extra candles mum" I chuckle
"Listen I have to go. I'll call you later. Tell dad I said hi"
"Ok bye mum"
"Yes love you too. Bye" I say rolling my eyes again.

But my mind can't get off what she just told me. She suggested that I take Riley out to catch up with her a bit; get to know her. Take her on a no date date.
I mean; Should I?

Riley POV
I wake up Saturday morning, relieved that it's finally the weekend. It's hard knowing that it's my first weekend away from home but it's exciting knowing the excitement. I've met a few friends here- Michelle and Chloe. They're super nice to means are just my gossip friends. They both believe that seeing the way me and James act around each their- which is just in a friendly way- is just adorable and would make a really cute couple.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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