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Ready, Aim, Fire
❝ We never quite thought we could lose it all. ❞

The following morning, Delilah Amoretti woke up to the bright shining of the sun through her bedroom blinds. She pulled herself out of bed and immediately prepared herself for the day. She never recalled ever being this eager to get out of bed, let alone, go to school. She had a certain someone to thank for that. She couldn't wait to see him again.

For the first time in a very long time, Stefan Salvatore felt awake, wide awake to be exact. He knew he would be able to see her again today, he knew he would. And he couldn't deny that it felt good. He felt good. Sauntering down the stairs of the household, Stefan noticed his brother, Damon Salvatore, lingering in the front of the living room.

"I don't know what's going through that brain of yours, Damon," Stefan began firmly, "but you better not do anything stupid today."

"Stupid? Oh, come on. Do you honestly think that low of me?" Damon scoffed, earning a roll of his brother's eyes in return.

"Wait, don't you have school to attend today?" Damon added with a small scrunch of his nose, Stefan giving him another exaggerated roll of his eyes. "I bet you are dying to see that new girl again. Delilah, wasn't it? You honestly pick your girls very well." 

"Stay away from her, Damon," Stefan said, squinting his eyes. Damon stepped past his brother with a swift movement, mouthing a single word all too familiar.



Delilah entered her History classroom to be greeted by the ruckus of the school dance being held that night. She sauntered towards her desk, passing various students who spoke amongst themselves about it. There, Stefan Salvatore was. He had his arms wrapped around his chest, a small grin resting upon his handsome features as he watched Delilah approach him.

"Hello," Stefan greeted her. "Thank you for falling asleep on me. I, uh, really appreciate it."

Delilah scoffed softly and gave the boy a small narrowing of her eyebrows. "Well, I'm sorry that I needed my beauty sleep."

"Hm, you are not forgiven," he replied with a non-apologetic smile.

"Honestly, you should feel lucky that I like you." She rolled her eyes at Stefan and took her seat, setting her things down.

"That I am," he answered with a small grin just as the bell rang. Everyone took their seats as Alaric entered the classroom. So, here began the boring lectures. However, they weren't entirely boring since Delilah had gotten a hold of her phone and decided to talk to Stefan instead:

Delilah: How boring can this class get?

Stefan: Honestly, I'm just counting down the hours until lunch.

Delilah: Same here.

Stefan: Have you picked out something for this evening yet?

Delilah: Not yet... You?

Stefan: Seriously?

Delilah: Don't judge.

Stefan: I'm shocked. Most girls would probably have everything picked out days beforehand.

Delilah: I'm not like most girls.

Stefan: Clearly.

Delilah: You're cheeky.

Time went by, Stefan finally bought himself his very much desired lunch, Delilah scrummaged through her closet mentally, and eventually, the end of the school day arrived. Upon arriving at her house, Delilah immediately headed up the stairs into her room to check it out. Searching through her closet, she didn't find much that came to her liking for the night. In need of desperate help, she picked up her phone and dialed Stefan's number.

Stefan: Hello?

Delilah: Stefan, I'm in a clothing crisis.

Stefan: You've got nothing?

Delilah: Nope, and I'm not showing up in jeans and a T-shirt.

Stefan: How would you like some fashion advice from Elena and her friends?

Stefan got Delilah's back, as usual. He ended up phoning Elena Gilbert and her blonde friend, Caroline Forbes to come to the rescue. Believing that the get-together may end up in a good, long-lasting friendship, he was eager to see what the outcome of this would be. And just as Stefan assumed, Delilah, Caroline, and Elena hit it off great. They helped her pick out a great outfit for the dance and even invited her over to their place for a girl's night out. Delilah couldn't say no to that. She clearly could use some more friends around this boring, uneventful place.


The high school filled up quickly that night. As Delilah entered the packed gym wearing her best 50's attire, she glanced around for any sight of Stefan. He said he'd be here, she said to herself. Just then, she felt something tap on her right shoulder, startling her. Delilah jumped slightly and turned around to come face to face with a handsome, rugged-looking boy with striking blue eyes. He wore a black leather jacket over a black shirt itself.

"You must be Delilah," he said with the small tilt of his head, "the new girl to Mystic Falls."

"Yes, I am," Delilah answered awkwardly, "charmed. You must be one of my stalkers."

"So that's what you call them," he snickered. "I'm Damon, Stefan's brother." At the sound of that, Delilah looked at him in confusion.

"Yes, you heard me right."

"He never told me that he had a brother," she said in a quiet voice

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" Damon's eyes widened as if he were to be in shock. "Well, shame on him. Now you know." A small smirk was sent towards Delilah's way, and before she could even react to it, a voice spoke from behind them.

"Damon," a masculine voice inhaled sharply. Delilah and Damon glanced over their shoulders to see Stefan Salvatore, Elena's arm slung through his. "What are you doing here?" His voice came off icy, and Delilah couldn't help but wonder why. Did Stefan and Damon share one of those love-hate relationships? She could only imagine.

"Well, I thought I could join in on the fun. No harm in that," Damon Salvatore said in reply. "Oh, and I was just about to ask the new girl for a quick dance... Before you rudely interrupted our heartfelt conversation," he added in, just to mess with him. Delilah glanced up at Stefan whose eyes remained pinned on Damon like a hawk.

Damon turned over to Delilah. "So, Delilah, would you like to dance with me?" He gave her a small bow, his hand held out for her to take.

Delilah looked over at Stefan once more, who clearly was not phased at all, and took her inner cheek in between her teeth. Her eyes met Damon's handsome ones, and she answered, "I would love to."

She accepted Damon's hand and together, they sauntered off onto the dance floor. She wasn't exactly sure what to think of this, but Delilah knew that this night would only get more interesting.

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