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I Found
❝ If you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind. ❞

Time flew by in no time, and two months had already passed since Delilah Amoretti's move to Mystic Falls. Delilah and Stefan grew fairly close with each other, it was pretty evident. Everyone knew. It wasn't until one day, she had been attacked by a creature that walked the night and lusted for blood that Stefan decided to tell her his deep, dark secret. The very secret Damon had been hinting at months prior. Delilah had no idea how to react to that, but she trusted Stefan when he told her that he'd make sure nothing bad would happen to her.

Although being a vampire made their friendship a bit difficult here and there, Delilah and Stefan remained at each other's side through thick and thin. Delilah soon found out that her entire town was populated with, not just vampires, but hybrids, werewolves, and witches as well. She thought the idea of creatures such as those only appeared in books, but they were real. Damon, Caroline, and Elena were vampires along with Stefan, Bonnie was a witch, and even more.

The day she found that the ones she held more dear to her were a part of the supernatural life, things had never been the same. Delilah wasn't one to let that get to her head, however. They were still her friends as she was theirs, and she wasn't at all ready to lose them over a dispute such as that. Delilah hardly had any other friends aside from them, and she knew that they needed her just as much as she needed them.

As much as Stefan would try to shield the girl from everything going on in the supernatural world, she was somehow always dragged into some sort of their drama. Sometimes, she'd even volunteer to put her life at risk for her friends. Ever since she met her new friends, Delilah didn't want to admit it, but she had grown incredibly attached to them. She never wished to part from their sides and she would quite literally do anything for them.

Delilah felt her eyelids grow heavy as she sat in her last class the following day, twirling her pen between her fingers. She forced herself not to yawn or show any sign of tiredness before Alaric and her peers, but it was pretty unavoidable. Math wasn't the best subject; if she had to say so herself. Ever since Delilah and Stefan had grown more in contact with each other, they had been texting and calling each other nonstop.

They could stay up for nights talking about random things that came to their minds that others may find irrelevant. It seemed as if he understood her like no one else. She could easily relate and count on him to be there for reassurance. Stefan acted as her rock and he was always there to keep her head screwed on just right.

Her dark eyes hazily glanced up at the clock, watching the fingers move slowly as time passed. It had been only a week since Stefan was accepted onto the football team and she planned to meet up with him right after school ended to see him practice. The only problem was that no other than Elena Gilbert decided to tag along too. Delilah wasn't one to feel jealous or extremely protective of anyone, but when it came to Stefan, she was.

The moment the bell finally marked the end of the school day, Delilah immediately gathered up all of her belongings and made her way out the door with hast. As she headed towards her locker, she sent Stefan a quick message letting him know she was on his way. Turning down a corner, she collided with another body. Stuff such as this always happened to her, it seemed.

Once she brushed herself down and got a chance to see whom she had bumped into, Delilah's facial expression dropped. Her lips twitched downwards into a small frown and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. Damon, of course.

"Damon?" She questioned with a small squint of her eyes. Damon was the very few in the group who decided that school wasn't meant for him, so it confused her greatly seeing him there. "What on Earth are you doing here? I thought you weren't a schoolboy," she said jokingly.

"That's me," he answered with his small, signature smirk, "and I'm not. Just thought I should get a feel of this so-called way of life." His icy blue eyes glanced down at Delilah's bag and his hand snatched her journal from it.

"Hey!" Delilah cried out. "Stop!"

"You keep a journal? How neat," Damon commented, skimming every page, not bothering to read any of it.

"Yes, I do and I'd appreciate it if you kept your hands off my stuff," Delilah sneered in return and yanked it from his hands. Just then, her phone rang in her right hand. Stefan's name read on the screen.

"Ooh. Loverboy's on the phone. Are you going to--?" He gestured towards her phone. "Fine, I guess I will myself," he added when Delilah failed to answer him right away, he too snatched that from her and answered it himself. She let out a loud groan at that and gave up.

"Hello Brother," he greeted with a loony tone.

"Damon? Where's Delilah? Why do you have her phone?"

"Relax, she's in good hands."

"I swear to God if you lay a finger--"

"You have a good day. Bye now." Damon hung up and tossed the phone back to Delilah. She glared up at him and folded her arms over her chest.

"You should tell me why you're really here."

"And you should really be getting to that practice. See you around, Lil D."

Delilah rolled her eyes and stepped past the Salvatore brother, continuing on her way towards the football field. Upon arrival, Elena was already sitting in the bleachers, her elbows resting on her knees. Delilah approached her and sent her the best, fake smile she could muster up.

"Hey, Lena," she greeted.

"Hey, you."

"So, did anything interesting happen?"

"Well, someone almost took out the new boy and nearly sent him to the hospital. If you'd label that as interesting, then yes."

"Oh, very."

The two girls watched aside as Stefan and his teammates threw footballs around, ran through many different drills, and more. Delilah enjoyed admiring Stefan from afar. He truly was a piece of art. While the guys decided on a water break, Stefan looked up at the two girls. He smiled and waved. Elena waved down at him with a large smile, Delilah doing the same but in more of an awkward manner. As Stefan tilted his head back down, a member of his team walked up to him and whispered into his ear.

"What do you think he's saying to him?" Elena wondered out loud.

"Who knows, for all I care. You're the one which the freakishly abnormal hearing, remember?"


YES, I did make Elena a vampire because I'm not following canon S1. I'm well aware so please don't come for me. Anyways, thank you for putting up with me and my horribly late updates. So sorry and much love to you all <3

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