How to tell if a guy like you

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*mahaba din to, sana basahin niyo :)

I'll tell you what most guys do when they like a girl, even if they want to hide that they like you or want to appear "cool" so that they don't blow their cover – you can still look for certain signals that will give them away.

There are many subconscious things guys do that are almost impossible to hide; it's a natural thing they do when they feel attraction for a woman.

Apart from some obvious signs that definitely mean he likes you, in the super-long list below, you'll also find some less obvious signs that will reveal his real desires that he's trying to hide, not just from you, but maybe from himself as well!

With no further ado, here's how to tell if a guy likes you:

1. He Says It

Okay, it can't be more obvious than that. A guy that tells you "I like you" probably isn't lying. The next question is, in what way does he "like you" – he wants to hook up and be together, or just have sex, or he just likes you in a "I feel sorry for you" way, and he thinks you're cool, but he'd never be with you.

Try to tune into the tone of his voice when he says this, you'll know which type of "I like you" it was immediately, just look at him! Either way, it doesn't get more obvious than this!

2. Questions, Questions, Questions

He's obviously trying to keep the conversation going with you. He's trying to get somewhere. So he keeps asking, and asking, some seemingly irrelevant questions, just to keep things going.

Maybe you're at a club, or at some house party, or you just ran into him in the street. Some questions are just asked out of politeness, but as soon as you notice that it's not something that he's asking just out of a necessity, it's probably because he likes you. Now, just because he asked you "where are you from?" it doesn't mean he likes you. Use common sense. Maybe he's just making small talk and being nice.

It also depends where he asks you and what, but the point is – if he's trying to have a conversation with you, and you just met, he probably likes you. Small talk by itself is not a big enough sign, still – it's a plus. When a guy doesn't like you, he simply won't put in the effort unless he has something to gain out of it (like at work, or he wants you to help with his grades or an exam.)

The fact that he's talking to you when there's no need to do so (because of work or something), is a good sign in itself. If he asks you questions and tries to dig deeper and find out more about you, that's a good sign.

3. He Finds Similar Interests With You

Part of the reason he's asking questions is to get a piece of information about you that he can use to "hook" you. If you say you like something and he goes on and on about how he likes the same music, movie, or whatever thing too – he's (maybe subconsciously) trying to see if the two of you are a good fit and have common interests. A guy that likes you usually won't get into an argument or disagree with you, on the contrary, he'll be agreeable and try to be likeable.

If your conversation has a lot of "Me too's!" – that's a good sign that you might be compatible.

4. He Leans in

When you talk to him, he leans in. Even if he can hear you perfectly well. You might be at a bar or a club with music, so he has to lean in to hear you, but still – a guy that doesn't like you won't break his neck just to talk to you. Look at the amount of effort he puts into having a conversation with you. That's an easy way to tell if a guy likes you.

Look at his body language and see how much effort he puts into the conversation, how much attention is he giving you with his body. A regular, normal guy that isn't trying to "act cool" will usually lean in or be closer to you than usual, while a guy that's a "player" and acting cool might lean back and act as if he's not that interested in you. Still this guy might like you as well. Just because a guy acts as if he's not interested in you doesn't mean that's how he truly feels. (more on this later).

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