A/N Tag :)

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Hey guys! No this is not an update, sorry! I am working on the third book though!

So I was tagged to do this tag! Haha ;)

1. Do you like someone?

Yes ;)

2. Do they like you?

Sadly no :( He actually told me who he liked and that person is not me!

3. Middle Name?

Ew ew ew I hate my middle name... Lorrayne D:

4. Single or Taken?

Single Pringle WHOOH!

5. Last person I texted?

My friend Katie :D

6. Last song I listened to?

Dreams by Rylan Wheeler ;) (it's so flipping good!)

7. Battery %?


8. Girl Best friends?

Irl- Kelsey, Katie

9. Guy best friends?

Irl- Josh, Landon

10. Fav OTP?

Ummmm idek

11. Why I made a fan account?

I have so many ideas to write a story in my head and I just needed to write them down so I didn't forget them :)

12. Current Lockscreen?

A yellow and orange tree because where I live if you find a tree that is actually turning colors it's freaking amazing because our weather doesn't want to freaking comply with the rest of the world!?!

13. Birthday?

May 6

So yea, I nominate anyone reading this to do this tag! ;)

I love you all so much! Have a fantastic day!

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