Eating, Crying, & Pointing Fingers (Cycles)

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Warning- Self Harm ahead

Chapter 2- Eating, Crying & Pointing Fingers

Eating, Crying

    Niall did not eat, he had observed many websites that had showed him the art of not eating. He would talk, and constantly cut his food. He we put the eating tool to his lips only to talk and put it back down. Niall was good at it, great even. The boys were no where near finding out. Not even Louis.


    The greatest shag Niall has even had, and keeps coming back for more. The moans, love bites, even the unusual places they fuck excites Niall. Louis is everything Niall wants and now has. He doesn't eat since he wants to stay that perfect size just for Lou. Lou is everything, the reason Niall has to bury his face in the toilet to remove the unneeded supply of food in his tummy. 

     But at the same time Niall knows, deep down, that's it's more of his fault than anything. He started the cycle, and Louis is his reason to keep it going. The cycle has him lying to his mum about the reason he doesn't have a girlfriend, or why he doesn't visit at much. The cycle has him nodding his head at Liam when he isn't eating like he used to, telling Liam that he ate before, when in fact he hadn't don't anything besides shagging Louis. This cycle lets him talk to Harry freely, since he is the only one who doesn't see any problem. But the cycle stops at Zayn, he's the most quiet - the guy watching it all. He knows about the cycle. And Niall knows about his too. But he understands why Louis doesn't see his cycle the way Zayn does. He has major problems of his own.

     Louis got El pregnant.

     Louis is worried, completely unsure of what to do. He's 100% that's why he keeps her around, and that's the reason she stays. Verbal abuse from Louis was everyday, and Niall is sure she's become hollow at his words. That's why when day three come back around, she'll come back to that stop on the sidewalk they left her on.

    But Niall doesn't worry much about it, if he keeps the cycle going, nothing, not even El being pregnant could bring him down.


   Cutting, slashing, the breaking of skin. That's Harry little cycle. completely hidden from others, the mask is so well put on, the others think that he's the confused one. He sees everything the others do, he marks it in his head, and then knows when to do what and know that won't notice.

   Harry is happy though, I mean for a cutter, he knows how to smile a real one. He knows when the cycle must pause itself, to be free of it and how to go back to it. Harry has a tight grip on himself, one that nobody will ever see. He is aware of the cycles around him. Niall doesn't eat, Louis fucks Niall, Zayn sleeps him away from his problem, and Liam's trying to piece it all together, even though he doesn't have all the pieces.   

& Pointing Fingers

    After the interview, Zayn becomes aware of the cocky walk Harry sports as he enters the kitchen.The interview had gone well, at least on Harry's part. He and the other boys, who had just gone upstairs, had gotten most of the questions. Zayn on the other hand sat the whole time looking dumbstruck. Looking at Harry now made Zayn's blood boil over like a pot, he held himself back from going over to punch the boy in the face.

  Harry on the other hand, did it one purpose. He loved seeing Zayn overreact on things like attention,  something Harry had gotten a lot of the past couple of months. So he did something he knew would piss Zayn off, remind him of what Harry had that he wanted. At first he didn't know what he had done to make Zayn so mad, but once he did, he made it into a little game for himself to play each day.

  But he did notice that even before he could start his little game, Zayn was on his ends. He was on the edge, and Harry didn't even have to push him. So in note of Zayn's anger, Harry drops the smirk. Zayn on the other hand won't let Harry go again. He won't win!

   "Why do you always do this! Why do you always take, tAKE, FUCKING TAKE EVERYTHING!" Zayn can't contain his anger, sure he raised his voice, but he made sure he didn't disturb the boys. 

     "I'm sorry you can't handle the heat, mate." Harry was taking a big risk, but he decided to play it cocky.   

       "I can handle the heat, mate. I'll show you how to handle the heat mate." Zayn's fuming, his body tense with great anger. He's so done with Harry's shit, so he speaks without thinking.

        "Well, your not very good at it,"

         "You know what Harry, watch me take everything from you. Be on the cover of magazines with the lads and be the only one noticed. Be the one with the most, stolen solos. Have anyone I want, and be cocky about everything. I'm gonna take everything from you Harry! Watch, just watch how you'll feel!" Zayn spits out those inners thoughts that form that great proposal.

        "..." Harry becomes silent, it is only now that he understands where he stands, who great Zayn will go to get himself to the top. It's only now that he feels sorry, but his words say different.

       "You're on,"   

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