'-Chapter Three-'

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'-Chapter Three-'

*Morning after*

I woke up to the smell of fresh cooked bacon and scrambled eggs. I sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes tiredly before reaching over for my cell phone and checking the time. I was surprised to see a new notification, a text to be exact. I opened the message and read it over figuring out who it was a few seconds later.

You know, it's been about 8 hours and I still can't stop thinking about that make out session. ;) x

I smirked to myself as I replied with a sarcastic text.

Well GoodMorning to you also, nice to know you care about things other than kissing and making out .

After sending the message I pulled the covers from my body and stood up stretching for a few seconds. I was about to make my way to the bathroom when my phone vibrated notifying me about a new message. That was quicker than I thought.

Oh I do, we just couldn't get to it. Your friend Audrey and Harry interrupted, remember? ;) xx

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I locked my phone without replying. I walked into the bathroom and reached for the shower knobs then turned the water on. I'm so tired to do anything right now.


"Addi? What are you doing?" I asked feeling a bit puzzled whilst drying my hair off with a towel.

"Cooking dummy, what else does it look like?" She giggled and turned the stove off walking over to the cupboards and taking out glass plates.

"Hm, since when do you cook?"

"I'm not sure, I just thought it'd be interesting."

"I'm sure it is." I said as I looked over at the half burnt food.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." I smiled fakely as I reached over for a plate to set it on the table with the rest. I frowned a bit when seeing eight of them.

"Wait.. why is there eight plates?"

"Oh.. uh.."

I narrowed my eyes and turned to look at her.

"Addi, what did you do?"

"I might've.. Kinda.. Invited the boys we met yesterday over for breakfast."

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.

"Addi! What the hell we just met them!"

"Yes and that's exactly why I did it, I thought it'd be a good way to get to know them better."

"Oh my god, Addison this might be the stupidest thing you've done in your whole life."

"What, why? There's nothing wrong with inviting guys over."

"We weren't even getting that serious it was just supposed to be.. A one time thing."

Addison frowned and leaned against the counter.

"Well.. I actually liked Liam, so it didn't feel like a one time thing."

"But Addison-"

"Skylar, try to understand me. I've never felt this way for a guy before. I just met him and I feel like he's the one for me, my missing piece."

"Woah, that's some deep chizz Addi." Audrey butted in as she came walking into the Kitchen where we were talking. I smiled and shook my head not believing what Addison had just said. Her, in love.. It doesn't seem like the Addi I know.

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