'-Chapter Four-'

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'-Chapter Four-'

Audrey's P.O.V :

"Come on Audrey, why are you playing so hard to get?" Harry asked and bit his lip as he pulled me against his body. I laughed and pushed his face away as I tried to get away from his grip.

"Harry stop, I think it'd be better if we went back to watching the movie with the rest of your friends and mine."

"No, let's stay here, have fun," He paused and turned my face towards his with one finger. "And maybe go a bit farther.." He trailed off as he leaned down to place a wet kiss on my lips. I tried my best not to fall into his sweet talk and smooth moves but failed miserably. As soon as I kissed him back he smirked and picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist. He placed me on the bathroom sink and kissed me roughly. I can't believe how easy it is for him to convince me with all his moves. God.

A sudden knocking on the bathroom door interrupted our wild kissing. I'm partially thankful and upset at whoever was knocking.

"Anyone in here?"

I looked over at Harry as he tried to think of something to say. "Uh, esta ocupado." Harry responded. I giggled at his attempt to sound Spanish and he smiled placing his finger against my lips shushing me silently.

"Harry? Are you in there with Audrey again? God what is up with you two and bathrooms?!"

Ugh, Skylar.

"Hey, you were the first one to make out with Zayn in a bathroom so don't even start with me Hun." I sassed causing Harry to burst out laughing.

"Whatever Aud. Hurry up and get out you two, bathrooms aren't for making out! At least not home bathrooms.."

I rolled my eyes and slid off of the bathroom sink then took Harry's hand and opened the door. Sky moved aside and hurried us as I stepped out with Harry behind.

Before sky could close the bathroom door she yelled out something that made me blush wildly. "Next time don't use a bathroom, that's what rooms are for!"


Skylar's P.O.V :

As soon as I was done washing my hands I twisted the faucet knobs causing the water to stop running and reached for the towel to dry off my hands. I fixed my hair and smiled into the mirror then reached to open the bathroom door. When I stepped out I bumped into something hard and looked up to see Zayn smiling down at me. I grinned and looked up at him.

"Going somewhere?" He asked.

"Um.. If it isn't obvious I'm going back to the living room."

"Why go back there? When we can go upstairs and you know.." He trailed off as he leaned down towards my lips. My eyes widened and suddenly his lips brushed against mine. He pulled away and smirked.

"Zayn.. Stop being such a tease."

"I'm just giving you a preview of what could happen if you take my suggestions."

"Well your 'suggestions'," I quoted with my fingers then immediately put my hands down not knowing why I had done that. "Are stupid."

"Oh come on. I like you, you like me. There's no more reasons to hide it."

"Okay, but you expect me to 'have fun with you'," I quoted again with my fingers and frowned then put them down instantly. Why the hell do I keep doing that?! "After you told me about your recent break up?"

Zayn frowned and looked away.

"That's what I thought." I rolled my eyes before beginning to make my way back towards the living room.

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