Mari grabbed her scout jacket and walked outside as she let out a sigh of relief. "Wait for me!!" yelled Loy from inside of the home. Loy ran out of the house, breathing heavily. " What do you want Loy?" said Mari. "I thought we were going together." said Loy. "We were but you were slow." said Mari. "ME?!!! I don't even put on makeup! You just left early so that it would annoy me!"said Loy. "No, I didn't. But if that's what you want to believe, go ahead. Let's go already." said Mari with attitude. Loy crossed his arms and started walking away in speed. Mari rolled her eyes and followed Loy. "So how do you expect to join the scouts? We'd never stand up to the cool guys like Mikasa or Levi." said Loy. "I'm confident. I can do whatever any other human can do." said Mari. "Good for you." said Loy. Mari and Loy started to laugh. Mari and Loy reached the town center. "Well, here we are. Time to face our fears." said Loy. Mari and Loy opened the doors to the scout hall. A blonde haired scout was at the entrance. "Welcome! I'm Jean! Do you two need something?" said Jean. "Yes, we'd like to become scouts. We're such big fans of you guys we have jackets that our mom made for us!" said Mari. "Ok! Come on in please." said Jean. Mari, Loy, and Jean walked into the hall. Jean lead them to the paperwork registration center. "Just sign some papers and wait for the general to announce your names for training." said Jean. Loy nodded his head and grabbed a pen. Mari grabbed the packet of paperwork and smiled.
1 hour later
General Levi walked up to the pedestal. Loy and Mari turned around and gasped. "IT'S LEVI-SENPAI!!" yelled Mari as she fan-girled. Loy shed a tear. "Announcing next scouts! LIZZY GREENFIELD! HAPPY GAUNTLETT! MARI AND LOY KANARU! JULIEN FROST! MAGIAN RAMTALLI!" announced General Levi. "Where is the happy girl and Lizzy?" said Loy. All if of a sudden the door flew open and 4 teenagers ran threw the doors. "Sorry we're late!" said Lizzy. "No problem, just sit down." said Levi. Happy nodded. The four sat down next to Mari and Loy. "Welcome new troops! We're glad to have you here! Here are some rules. No fighting other troops. No arguing. Last but not least, no distractions, just kill Titans. Well now that you the rules for the troop training, it's time for you're training. Pickup your uniforms from town center tomorrow. Training starts at 10. Troops Align!!" yelled Levi as he stepped off the pedestal and left. Mari and Loy looked at each other and smiled.

Attack on Titan: Beyond the Gates
FantasyWall Maria is peaceful until a disruption occurs. Titans invade and take over the wall. It's up to Mari and Loy, 19 year old twins to break the boundaries and defeat the titans. They meet some comrades on the way and continue their journey. Will th...