Chapter 2 - A Slow Start

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Mari and Loy walked outside. "Well, today is training day. It all depends on today to determine if we become heroes or get really humiliated." said Mari. "Yep, your right." said Loy. Loy and Mari walked to the town center. Levi suddenly appeared with 2 uniforms in his hands. "Here are your uniforms." said Levi. Mari blushed and smiled. "Thank you, General Levi." said Mari and Loy. "You're welcome. Training is in 2 hours. Go eat a healthy breakfast and do a push up or something. Bye scouts." said Levi as he disappeared into nothingness. "That was strange and amazing at the same time." said Loy. Mari grinned.
                  Scene Change
Happy grabbed her blue scarf and put it on nearly around her neck. Happy heard a knock on the door. She went to get the door. "Hey Happy! Why do you look so sad?" said Lizzy. "Isn't it ironic I'm always sad even though my name is happy?" said Happy. "I guess." said Lizzy. Happy smirked. "So, what did you come for?" said Happy. "IT'S TRAINING DAY!" said Lizzy. Happy gasped and ran out the house. Lizzy smiled widely and followed her.
               Scene Change
Magian and Julien walked to the town center wearing their uniforms. "Hey Magian and Julien." said Loy. "Hey Loy! Where is Lizzy and Happy?" said Magian as Lizzy and Happy came running threw the town center. Happy suddenly stopped running. Lizzy ran into a wall. "I'm so dizzy." said Lizzy. Happy grabbed Lizzy by the neck and slapped her. "Ow! What was that for?" said Lizzy. "Today is training day. Stop playing around." said Happy quietly. Lizzy frowned. The 6 walked into the scout hall. Levi appeared once again. "Hello scouts! I see you are wearing your nice uniforms. Good. Well, welcome to the 66th annual... TRAINING DAY!! Today, we will be doing 10 exercises. 3DMG Flipping, High Jumping, Squats, Sword Fighting, Titan-Board Attacking, Jump-Squats, High Kicks, Punching Bags, Dagger Defense and Running Miles. Get ready for some nightmares and some dreams, scouts. It's training time." said Levi. The 6 followed Levi outside. "I'll introduce you to the main team of troops. Here are the troops. This is Eren." said Levi. Mari walked up to Eren. "Hi Eren!" said Mari. "Hi welcome to the team scout!" said Eren. Mari laughed and walked away.
               10 Hours Later
"Good job troops! You are now officially, Troops of Honor!!" said Mikasa. Mari, Loy, Happy, Lizzy, Magian and Julien smiled and pat each other's backs. "THUMP!!!!" A Colossal Titan kicked through the wall. Magian screamed and grabbed Julien. Magian unlocked his 3DMG and flew to the roof. Magian placed Julien down and jumped to the colossal Titan. The Titan attempted to punch Magian. Magian dodged the attack. Magian landed on the Titans neck and slashed its neck 6 times. Magian jumped off of the Titans neck and landed next to Levi. The colossal Titan fell down quickly after Magian's attack. The other troops clapped for Magian defeating the colossal. "Good job Magian." said Julien. Magian laughed and smiled.

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