The First Day Isn't All Bad

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When we got home Dawn and Jackie dragged me and Emily to a little café where both races were allowed. As we all squished into a booth I heard Dawn ask, "So what's up with you and Big Julius?"

"Nothing, I mean we aren't dating we just like each other and hung out at camp and stuff but he hasn't said one word about asking me to be his girlfriend so..."

"Well, I think he would be stupid not to," Emily butted in.

"Look I've known Big Julius for a long time, he doesn't just go around from girl to girl and if he doesn't think it will get serious then he's not going to be defensive or protective like he was at camp," Dawn said.

"And I don't think I've ever heard him tell someone to call him Ju it's Julius or Big Julius or sometimes big Ju but never Ju," Jackie added.

Hoping to change the subject I said smirking, "So Jackie I believe when we first met you said something about not liking light skins."

I don't know what you are talking about."

"Alright we'll let you get away with it for now but this isn't over," I said to Jackie while Emily sang 'You are My Sunshine. I could hear dawn laughing as we left.

The next day was school and it was terrifying. There where parents being restricted on all sides of the building. I looked around before I felt a tap on my shoulder; I looked up to see Ju and started smiling. We then went over to Gerry and Emma to talk. Emma shook my hand just fine but she just rolled her eyes and walked away when Ju held his out. I could tell Ju was getting mad. He said some stuff to Bertier before turning to me and saying, "Look, it has gone back to normal I understand," then he went into the school; leaving me on the front steps wondering what happened. I went to Dawn, Emily, and Jackie and told them what happened. Of course Rev was with Dawn so he heard it then left to go do something. It was looking to be a bad first day.

Julius's point of view

I was standing at my locker when Rev came up and shoved me. I almost hit him, but Blue held me back. "What the hell?" I asked him. And this is when I got the speech:

"Dude, you are so stupid. Big deal there are a lot of people who don't want us here but that doesn't give you the excuse to push Lizzie away. She wants you here and not once has she acted like anyone out there that you are mad. She likes you and I mean really likes you. That's all I've heard from Dawn since camp is how much Lizzie likes you. And I know you like her back so don't even try that crap with me."

When he finished he turned around, and we all went to our first period class. I didn't get to see Liz until the end of the day...

Lizzie's point of view

I didn't see Ju until the end of the day. I was standing my locker getting ready to walk to practice when I heard, "Can I walk you to practice?" I turned around to see Ju and I nodded. On the way to practice he said,

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it and I know you would never do something like that. I just got nervous because I really like you and I didn't want you to start hating me when everyone at school did, but that's no excuse."

I sat there for a moment, and then said, "Ju, you already met my friends, at camp and I don't care what other people think about you I care what I think about you; and I think you're great and I really like you too."

"Then, would you maybe wanna I don't know... be my girlfriend?" he mumbled so quietly I couldn't hear the last part so he repeated it. I was shock but I smiled, kissed him on the cheek, and said yes.

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