The White House- Chapter 6 (Part a)

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Okay, I originally had triple the amount for this chapter but my computer decided to die and I lost all my work. I have typed up this much in the past day or so and I decided to post this because it will be several more days before I finish the chapter. I know it is not much and rather rushed but I thought this was better then making you wait a while and it cuts off nicely rather then in the middle of a scene. I am a bit gutted that I have been set back loads as the chapter was really long but what can you do? Sorry it isn't much.

Anyway, back to re-writing.



Chapter 6

I made my way home puzzled. I was sincerely surprised at how well the meeting had gone. No cups were thrown across the room in temper, Kasper hadn’t spent the entire time embarrassing me in front of everyone and for one thing we didn’t kill each other. What was this world coming to eh?

I glanced behind myself nervously. The streets were getting darker at an alarming rate, the sky turning the color of a bad purple bruise, and pigeons cooed from their nesting spots under roofs and trees making me shiver. Why did I not take that lift home? I knew there weren’t any buses running from the corner of the street for another two hours but I still let my pride get in the way of being sensible. I knew this was my biggest flaw, I allowed my pride to dominate my actions more than I should.

Bringing my hand over my arms I rubbed the goose bumps that had me shivering, cursing my stupidity for not bringing a thick fleece. The familiar sounds of blaring taxis and scuffling leaves mixed into a constant thrum that I always associated with the city. For some people, nature was their haven, others it was their office, for me it was the hectic streets of Washington. I loved the city because you just blended into the crowd. You were just a figure in the streets; no-one cared about you or what you were doing, so naturally I felt at home. Usually I would have revelled in the chance to walk aimlessly down avenues and shopping districts but things were slightly different at night. Not that the city wasn’t beautiful, it was now lit up like a fair ground, street lamps twinkling and the faint echo of club music make it seem more magical. What I didn’t like was walking alone. If I had been with someone I would never wanted to have stopped walking, but things are different when the only defence you have is a set of house keys.

The walk home was just over forty five minutes. I approached the house cautiously wondering how much my parents, mom in particular, would question the date. In all honesty I didn’t want to talk about it. Mom would be all jittery and demanding, the perfect interrogator until she got her load down on what happened.

Opening the front door a crack I waited until the loud sound of laughter could be heard from the lounge before lunging for the stairs. With the buoyancy of an antelope and the speed of a cheetah I rushed upstairs and closed my door softly.

Getting changed into a large shirt I crawled into bed not bothering to take a shower. That would only alert my parents of my presence and I really didn’t want the hassle. As I lay in bed I shut my eyes willing sleep to cloud over my mind and take me to that place where worries and responsibilities no longer existed. However, after half an hour laying there I finally sat up and shook my head. This wasn’t working. Leaning over and turning on my bedside lamp I glanced around my room for something quiet to do. Most of my items were packed into boxes in the far corner. Only the bare minimum was left, things I no longer needed so choice was limited.

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