p r o l o g u e

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I sat on the bed my small frame hunched over in sadness. Quietly I stared at the dull white sheets beneath me. My eyes watered as I wondered why I was here. My own father put her in this place. This place filled with the mentally unstable. He claimed that my mother's death was taking a toll on me. How could he do this to me?

Five days prior

"I can't believe you!" I screamed, tears flowing freely down my face, "How could you do this to me!"

"Honey, please," my dad whispered, "I'm doing this because I love you."

"This isn't love," I replied, hesitantly sitting on the black leather seat, "Mom wouldn't have done this to me!"

"Miss, we need you to say goodbye so we can get you to your dorm," a husky man told me.

"I don't want to say goodbye," I huffed crossing my arms.


"I don't want to say goodbye!" I wailed, slamming the car door.

I let the tears fall down my face as the car sped down the street. I was leaving- leaving and never coming back. He thinks I'm crazy. My mom just died and he thought it was a good idea to send my miles away because I'm "crazy".

"Miss?" a slimmer man called into the back seat, stopping the car. I nodded not making eye contact, "We need you to change into this before we take you inside."

He handed me a white jumpsuit, turning around as I changed. I felt like I had just been arrested.

When I finished changing the slimmer man wrapped my arms together, restricting movement.

"I'm not an animal," I grumbled, wiggling my arms in the rope.

"Please cooperate, miss," he replied pulling me towards the tall building.

"And who do we have here?" the man at the desk asked, scanning me up and down.

"This is Blake Valentine," he replied.

"What is her problem?" the man asked, looking at a clipboard.

"I don't have a problem," I snapped, trying to get out of the rope.

"Miss, stay calm," the slim man told me, grabbing my wrists.

"Don't touch me!" I wailed, whacking him across the face.

"We're going to need back up at the front desk," the man mumbled into his walkie-talkie.

"Let go of me!" I screamed, "I don't belong here!"

"Miss!" a security guard boomed, "Please remain calm! We are only trying to help!"

"I don't need help!" I cried, thrashing.

A tall man grabbed my arms as another grabbed my legs.

"I don't belong here!" I screamed, "I don't belong here!"

They threw me into a bright white room before slamming the door.

"Please," I begged, sobbing silently, "I just want to go home."

"This is your home now," someone whispered through the tiny hole on the door.

How could someone call this home. I looked around the tiny holding cell I was in. Everything was white. White wall, white ceiling, white floor, white sheets, white door. The only thing that wasn't white was the cold metal frame of the bed I was sat on and the leather straps attached to the head and foot of the mattress.

"Leather straps?" I whispered in horror, "What are those for?"

"For being insubordinate," a deep voice came through the wall.

"Oh god," I wailed, "I really am crazy aren't I?"

There was silence and I just sat there with my head in my hands.

"You're not crazy," they replied, "Unless making a friend makes you crazy"

I sighed in relief knowing I'm not insane.

"What's your name?" I inquired my new friend.

"Hey! It's after hours no talking!" The ward shouted banging on our doors.

So much for making a new friend.


I'm baaaaaack! :) hello loves new book for the new year! <3

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