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"Yura, you are fired" Yoonsuk said coldly as he sat on the chair of his office.

"I am what?" I put down on his desk the coffee that he asked me to bring him moments ago, still in shock by his words.

"Are you def? I said that you're fired"

"Are you seriously going to take professionally what happened between us?" he just rolled his eyes.

Yoonsuk, my boss and... was my boyfriend until two days ago when I found out that he 'only loved me'. And the secretary of the 2nd floor. And also the secretary of the 3rd floor.

This last couple of days have been awful as, me being his personal secretary, I had to see his disgusting face everyday after university. But I couldn't quit my job, not at all. Who would pay my university bills, my house, my car?

"You have half an hour to grab your stuff and leave this building." God, how I would like to kill him in this precise moment.

"You know better than anyone that I need this job, you can't just fire me." I kept on swallowing my pride at every word that left my lips.

"I can and I'm doing it! Now move those feet out of my office" he raised his voice.

"Good luck on finding another secretary half as good as me" I saw a sarcastic smile forming on his face.

"Oh honey, I sure will! You were useless anyway" he just laughed.

I smiled as I grabbed his coffee. In a matter of seconds I threw the hot coffee at him, it felt so good.

"Yoonsuk, I hope you burn in hell" I said as I left his office. I grabbed my stuff and went to the parking lot, entering inside my car. I looked at my phone, the clock registering midnight o'clock.

I wanted to go up that building again so bad and strangle that fucktard instead of keeping all this rage to myself.
I started thinking about what just had happened, I ruined my life. What night job will I be able to find now besides bars and strip clubs? Well, atleast I can finally get rid of this skin thigh skirt, this blouse, this blazer and this stupid high heels that I had to use everyday as 'work dress code'.

I started my car's engine and drove, not knowing the final destination yet. I couldn't go home right now. I can already imagine in my head my brother, Yoongi, being all disappointed of his little sister when he finds out that I was fired. Great Yura, you managed to let down the only person who still believes in you and in your abilities.

The road was empty, as always. I started to take my shoes out as they were hurting me, looking down at my feet.

In a matter of seconds, I had my face glued at my steering wheel after a car crashed into mine from behind.

The world must be against me.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled as I left my car, infuriated, walking towards the other car.

"I am so sorry, I didn't saw your car" he tried to apologize, blood falling from his forehead.

"HOW THE HELL DIDN'T YOU SEE A 2 METER THING IN FRONT OF YOU, BEING THE ONLY FREAKING CAR ON THE ROAD" at this point I was letting out all my rage at this poor guy.

"I was changing the radio stations and got distracted. Are you feeling ok? Your head is bleeding" he got closer to me, analyzing my forehead.

"I don't give a shit if I'm bleeding, my car is destroyed" I lowered my voice, still mad.

"I am going to call the police and the car insurance, they'll know better what to do" yes rascal, just leave me alone.

I must have been a real asshole in my past lifes for all of this to be happening to me.

"And I asked myself if my life could get even worse.. Apparently it can" I let my thoughts get loud. "First I lose my boyfriend, then my job and now my car. LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE" I yelled at that psycho boy, grabbing his muscular arms.

"Since when is it my fault that you've got fired? You were probably an incompetent" he said roughly. He was probably tired of handling my bad temper.

"Who are you to judge my competences? I mean, it was you who crashed into a car in a freaking EMPTY ROAD!" I turned my back at him. "And I wasn't fired because of my abilities. I was fired as a revenge for ending my relationship with my boss" I felt so disgusted by those words.

"Oh I'm finally understanding everything" he said and I turned around to face him again. "You are the type of girl that sleeps with her boss so she can get a better position in work or a better payment"

I laughed at his words, biting my lower lip as I approached that asshole. Without hesitating, I slapped his face as hard as I could and he placed his hand on his burning red cheek. Right after that, I grabbed his tshirt's collar, pulling him closer to me. I kept looking straight into his dark brown eyes, feeling his minty breath against my face. I must say I kinda enjoyed that little moment.

"For your own good, this is the last time you ever say something similar about me" I released his collar but instead of walking away, he just stayed there, looking at me while licking his lips.

"I like your attitude" he said and bit his lower lip.

"Whatever" I walked over to my car, getting inside.


So, first chapter, I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

And today is the last day of 2015. I hope that in this year that is ending you were able to be happy and create amazing moments with those you love the most.
But if 2015 wasn't a good year for you, don't worry, you have a chance to make 2016 a better year.

HAPPY NEW YEAR OF 2016! Let's create amazing moments together and with our BTS babies!

Love each and every single one of you guys!

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