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I walked towards my brother's car that was parked outside the hospital. I already knew that as soon as I sat on that passenger's seat, Yoongi would explode at me.

But I don't blame him. I know the mess that I am.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" his husky voice asked me.

"Not now, please" my head ached.

"Then when? You always say the same and end up not telling me"

"I just- I'm sorry" I could feel my eyes getting teary but I refuse to cry, specially in front of my brother.

He then started driving, silence filled the car during the drive home.

________ xxx _______

I woke up, grabbing my cellphone. Like every other morning, I scrolled through my Instagram's feed trying to catch up with what happened while I slept.

When I finally decided to get up, I took a quick shower and did my makeup.

The clocked marked 10 a.m. . I'm glad today is Saturday and I don't have to go to my University where I'm almost graduating in Nursing.

Anyways, since today I have nothing to do, I should start looking for a job to pay for the mess I did, I don't want to be dependent of my brother, never.

I left the house with my headphones on, I never leave without them.

Listening to my favourite playlist, I wondered around the busy streets of Seoul looking at every building and store, hoping to be needed.

Turning to my right, there was an huge building that I've never seen before, it looked new and kinda powerful. On its door I could read a paper saying "Now Hiring".

Could I be more lucky?

I entered the building and gave the lady on the reception one of the many CV's I had inside my bag. What can I say, I was desperate.
She after told me that they were hiring young females to be secretaries at this new lawyer thing.

And guess what, I'M YOUNG and I'm a FEMALE!
This must be universe trying to make up for all the times it got me fucked up.

I returned home and for the rest of the day all I did was check my phone, waiting for a call. I must get that job.

Soon I fell asleep.

I unlocked my phone in panic

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I unlocked my phone in panic. Did they really called me and I completly lost my chance of being hired?

"Why are you always like this Yura?" I scolded myself.

My phone started vibrating, waking me up from my thoughts.

'No Caller ID' once again. Without hesitations, I answer the call.


"Is this miss Min Yura?" it sounded like the last on the reception yesterday.

"Yes, it's me"

"I'm calling you to tell you that you're hired. Congratulations"

"God, thank you so much"

"Is it possible for you to come today, so that you can meet your new boss and talk about your duties and things in general?"

"Y-yes of course"

"Be here at 2 pm. Your boss will be waiting for you on the 3rd floor at his office. Once again, congratulations" she hung up the call.

I got up from my bed and got ready as fast as I could.
I dress up a black skin tight skirt that was a little above my knee, a white blouse, a black blazer and some black heels.

Black is my happy color, you could say.

I took a deep breath before entering the building. Walking to the elevator, I pressed the button that had a 3 on it and soon arrived the 3rd floor.

I was surprised by the huge windows that fulfilled that entire office showing, possibly, one of the most beautiful views I've ever seen.

One man was admiring the streets, standing by the windows, backfacing me.

"H-hello sir" my voice shaked a little as I tried to make my presence noticeable.

"Oh you've finally arrived" he said, his back still facing me.

"I'm very pleased to meet you sir, I'm Min Yura" I walked deeper into the office, approaching him.

"Nice to meet you Yura, I'm your new boss, -"



I feel like this is a shitty chapter.

Anyways, sorry for taking so long to update but, you know, school..

I'll try to update more often, I promise!

Please comment your opinions or simply vote on this chapter, you don't even know how motivated it gets me.

Thank you for reading

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