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Looking back, I realize who I was. What a monster I had become. And to think, I became a cold hearted bitch because I thought I had to. Now, I realize I was wrong. But it is too late for me to change this now.

When I was young, life seemed sweet and innocent. But as children do, I grew up and saw the world for what it is. I saw how twisted everything really was. And then one day, I became the same way. I became every bit as evil and twisted as the world was. But I didn't even realize what I was until one of my classmates murdered me.

My first brush with darkness was at the age of eight. As my mother put it, the rotten man that was my father ran off with a woman maybe half his age. Well she had a few other choice words, but you get the idea. 

Soon after my father left, my mother sold our house and we moved to a mansion in Beverly Hills. She was determined to spite my father by having a perfect house, a perfect kid, and a perfect life overall. Her perfectionism was a trait I inherited, and it was ultimately my downfall.

After the incident that basically ended my childhood, I decided I needed to protect myself from all the bad in the world. I decided that no one was ever going to hurt me like my father did. I decided that the only way to protect myself was not to let anyone get to close to me. This doesn't mean I was some lonely, depressed child, in fact I was always surrounded by girls my own age. But I didn't let anyone see the person behind the walls. I managed to fool everyone into thinking I was a shallow person except for one person, Ashlynn.

Ashlynn was the one person I allowed my walls to come down around. We met at the age of ten during a ballet class. Everyone was making fun of her because she had just moved here and didn't look like the people around here. I took pity on the beautiful little girl and told everyone to 'shut up and get back to work'. This was the start of our friendship and despite my efforts to keep her out, Ashlynn wormed her way into my life.

Now, I am thankful for her being my rock, the one constant thing in my life after my father left and my mother drowned her sorrows in her work. My mother started spending more and more time at her multimillion dollar company that I would one day inherit. She spent long hours working and leaving me to fend for myself. Without Ashlynn, my life would have been even more of a waste.

With my father gone and my mother always working, I was raised by nannies and surrounded by maids. I was a bossy little girl who had to have everything perfect. If my teddy bears were arranged on my bed wrong, I refused to sleep in it. If my food was too cold, I refused to eat it. This was the start of me needing everything to be perfect.

When I was fourteen, I began high school. What remained of my innocence fled me, I became a monster who everyone feared. I decided that my life would be perfect and everyone would envy me. I decided that I was going to be better than everyone else. I had long since mastered vain things such as makeup, hair, and fashion, but it was in high school that I learned to manipulate people.

I quickly learned that with a slight pout on my lips and some fake tears, teachers would never believe I could do something wrong. By finding the right friends and digging up dirt on everyone else, I quickly moved up the social ladder until I was on the top. I became the person everyone hated and envied at the same time. I quickly stomped out my opponents for the title of queen b by spreading vicious rumors and sharing the secrets about them that I had learned.

Guys were no different. To ensure I was the best, I had to have the perfect boyfriend. By my senior year, I had dated most of the baseball team and moved onto the football team before I found the guy who improved my image the most. Who better the quarterback of the football team? After all I was the head cheerleader.

Sawyer was the perfect match for me. We were both popular, wealthy, and cunning. We were that power couple who everyone thought were so deeply in love. It was hilarious really, how good we were at acting. The only person who never believed we loved each other was Ashlynn.

Ashlynn was right next to me in the 'chain of command'. She was the beta to my alpha. We controlled the school and the people in it along with our other friends. Anyone who suddenly wasn't good enough was kicked to the side and a replacement was found.

Lila had a status right under Ashlynn's. With her tan skin, icy blue eyes, and dark brown waves, Lila was just beautiful enough to be in our group without threatening my role as the leader. She was beautiful, but she had the personality of a rock. Lila was focused only on her looks and was to stupid to realize how much I controlled her.

The rest of the group was filled with beautiful but boring girls. They were just there because they were wealthy and pretty enough, but didn't have a way to take over my spot. Most were just plain stupid, but Rosie was the exception. I was hesitant about letting her into my life because she was a threat to me.

Rosie was a hauntingly beautiful girl who had no conscience. She had red waves, green eyes, pale skin, and curves in all the right places, which was the reason she had a new guy almost every week. She was ruthless and didn't care one bit who she hurt. But Rosie improved my image, so I dug up enough dirt about her to keep her in her place at the bottom of my group.

And with everyone in their place, I took mine at the top. I truly tricked myself into believing I was better then everyone else. No one dared cross me because I knew all of their secrets. I ruled the school by making everyone fear me. All the guys wanted to date me and all the girls wanted to be me, but they all secretly hated me. I guess it wasn't such a secret because I knew they despised me, but no one would dare say anything bad about me.

At my seventeenth birthday party, one of my so called friends decided to try and ruin my night. Lacy was always jealous, but I never thought she would try anything. Lacy tried telling everyone that I had slept with my moms boyfriend in an attempt to destroy my image. I had laughed in her face before gathering everyone together to make an announcement. I told the entire junior class about how Lacy had been arrested many times for stealing from stores because she was too poor to pay for it. That with a few other secrets was enough to destroy her life.

Lacy ran from my party, crying hysterically. She was brave enough to show her face in school the next day, but one glare from me was enough to send her running the other way. Within a week, she had transferred out of our elite school and we never saw her again. Lacy became an example of what would happen if someone tried to cross me.

But one person was wasn't scared by what happened to poor little Lacy, and the night before my eighteenth birthday, I was murdered. I will find out who did it, and they will not get away with it. The police are too stupid to realize it was one of my classmates, so I will find the killer and turn them in myself. That is if they don't turn up dead first. No promises though, because no one gets away with crossing Anastasia Reed.


Hi guys! This is my first story so thanks for reading. I would really appreciate down feedback. Also, should I keep updating?
Have a great New Years :)

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