Chapter 1

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Today is it. My first day at iwatobi high school. I wake up early to be sure I have everything I need for today and make breakfast. After breakfast I get changed into my new school uniform and make my way to school. On my way down the street someone bumps into me and I drop my books. "Sorry." They say and help me pick up my things. " don't worry about it." I reply I look up to see a brown haired boy with green eyes, dressed in a school uniform similar to mine. " do you go to iwatobi high?" He asks. "Sorry but I'm going to be late." I say then run off.

After a while I reach the school. After I get my schedule I find my class. I enter the room and ask the teacher if I have the right room. I do and once the bell rings she says " class we have a new transfer student joining us today. Why don't you introduce yourself." She says with a smile. I take a deep breath and say " m-my name is masumi fujimoto. It's a pleasure to meet you all." I bow and the teacher says " I'm miss.Amakata I'll be your home room teacher." She looks around the room and says " you can take a seat behind makoto. Makoto please raise your hand." She says.

A boy raises his hand and it's the boy from earlier. I go take a seat behind him and he says "nice to meet you I'm makoto. Aren't you the girl I ran into this morning?" I nod in response and look out the window.

Around the end of class I notice a pool on campus. I wonder if they have a swim club I could join? I haven't gotten to swim in a few months. I'm so zoned out I didn't hear the bell ring. "Hey fujimoto, the bell rang class us over." Makoto says. I look over to see him and another boy with dark blue hair. "This is my friend haruka." He says. They both have such girly names. Then again I'm one to talk my name is pretty guyish. "Nice to meet you." I say I grab my things and leave the class room. As I'm walking down the halls I can't get the idea of swimming off my mind.

Before I know it I'm standing outside the pool. I smile from ear to ear and run and jump in the pool. I swim around for a while before I notice a group of students and miss. amakata are staring at me from the edge of the pool. " masumi?!?" Makoto, haruka, and miss.A say. I smile and get out of the pool. A girl with red hair beings a towel and I wrap it around myself. "What were you doing in the pool masumi?" Miss. A asks " I haven't gotten to swim in a few months and I saw the pool from the class window..." I say.  I bow my head and apologize.

"Your not in trouble masumi. But let's get you a change of clothes before you catch a cold." Miss. A says " I think I have a spare uniform that might fit you." The girl says " thank you." I say. " my name is goh by the way nice to meet you masumi." The girl says " nice to meet you too." I say as I play with my wet hair.

After a moment of silence goh says " I have an idea! Why don't you join the guys in practice today. You said you haven't gotten to swim in a while right it might be fun plus you'll get to know everyone." "... Yea ok.... I have a swim suit in my bag." I say. "Huh!?!" They both say. "You and the guys seem to have a lot in common already." Goh says. They show me to the changing room and I change the into my swim suit.
(A:N/ picture of masumi in swimsuit above.)

Once I'm changed I wrap a towel around myself and walk back to the pool. When I walk out the two boys I haven't met yet walk up to me and introduce themselves " hi I'm nagisa! Nice to meet you masumi." The blond one says " my name is rei it's nice to meet you as well." The blue haired one says. "N-nice to meet you too." I reply and go to hang up my towel. They all have such girly names. I'm happy I'm not the only one with a guyish name though.

(Nagisa's pov)

Masumi walks off and rei says " not very talkative is she?" "Looks like it. But I'm sure it's just cuz she's new! She'll open up in no time!" I say.

(Masumi's pov)

I hang my towel on the fence and go to one of the diving platforms. I strap on my goggles and get ready to dive. I dive into the water. I missed swimming no matter how many times I dive in I fall in love. In the water I can be myself. I have no worries at all. I'

Once I finish a lap I take off my goggles and catch my breath. I then notice everyone staring at me. "What?" I ask. "where did you learn to swim like that?" Makoto asks. " I've been swimming since grade school. I was part of a swim club for a few years before I moved. Haven't really done anything like that since then. So I guess it just comes naturally!" I say with a smile.

"No way! That's so cool!" Nagisa says "your swimming style is a lot like haru's did you always swim freestyle?" Goh asks. "Yea that's the only way I swim." I answer. " I know why don't you and haru have a race! It should be fun plus it's good practice for haru." Miss. A says. " I'm cool with that." I say and look to haruka. "Fine." He says with a sigh. "You don't have to if you don't want to. Really it's fine." I say feeling as though he would rather just go on with his normal practice. " it's fine. It will be good practice." He says. I hop out of the water and get into position on the platform next to haruka. Goh calls it and we both dive at the same time.

(3rd person pov)

Haru and masumi dive into the water and the race begins. " she's ahead of haru already!" Rei says. "She's amazing!!" Nagisa says. Masumi comes up on the turn and seconds later so does haru. He starts to gain on her but she pulls ahead. Before you knew it the race was over and masumi had won.

(Masumi' pov)

Once I hit the wall I take off my goggles and catch my breath. I look over at haru in his lane and say "good race it was fun!" " good race." He replies. Why is he so serious? Did I do something?

Makoto then helps haru out of the pool and nagisa helps me out. "That was amazing masumi!" Nagisa says. "ummm.... Thank you." I reply. "If you don't mind me asking. What swim club were you a part of before you moved?" Goh asks. "It's not to far from here actually. I was part of the iwatobi club." I answer. " no way!" Says rei. " myself haru and Nagisa were part of that club too. I can't believe we never met before today." Makoto says. " I didn't really do a whole lot of competing and I moved after two years of being part of the club." I say. " so what made you move back?" Rei asks.

I look at the clock " sorry but I have to go." I say and run off to go get changed.

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