Chapter Twenty Two: Faith

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Chapter 22- Faith
    Where did we land? We were sent through the vortex, and we landed somewhere. Abigail blacked out, as well as everyone but Claire and I. Elizabeth was struggling to get over what happened to her. "So, how did we get to that place anyway?" I asked. "I don't know. I think we just went into an alternate dimension. No one, not even Shadow, has the power to bring us to another planet so fast. But, he CAN take us to the 4th dimension." She thought out loud. "What do you mean? In 5th grade terms please." I asked. "Well, we live in the 3rd dimension. There are 6 dimensions. Shadow has the power to bring us to the 4th dimension. That makes it all the more harder to get home, because you can't move back in dimensions. Which means we have to go all the way around to get home." She explained. I was still confused. "What are the dimensions? And how do we travel through them." I quizzed. "Well, the first dimension is a line. The second dimension is a flat square. We live in the 3rd dimension. The 3rd dimension is what we call 3D. It has depth. The fourth dimension is reality. That means, in this dimension, Shadow could distort reality from what it really is. And the 5th dimension is Time. You could travel all through time in that dimension. It's a dangerous dimension. The 6th is Space. It's the same as our dimension, but, there is all of space combined, making it a confusing dimension. And as for getting to the next dimension, he would have to either have two things. One, the right tech. And two, the abilities to copy the way to get through. He'd also have to know tons, and tons of quantum physics. " Claire explained. "That vortex looked like something that could take us through the dimensions. If I'm right, then we're in the 5th, and most dangerous, dimension. Time. We can't go back in time, because we might change past events that are influential in our lives."
    I turned back to my friends. "Claire come look!" I shouted. Everyone was gone! "They've been scattered throughout the dimensions! We're in the 5th. Karys, Elizabeth, and Beth are in the 6th. Esther, Silver, and Lauren are in the 1st. And Abigail and Kat are in the 2nd! We have to get around quickly!" Claire exclaimed, worriedly. "Come on! We have to find a way out of here!" I called. I recognized the city, and ran towards my house. "Wait!" Claire called as we ran into the house. I saw a lady who looked like me. "What year is this?" "Um, it's 2050. And who are YOU?" The lady asked. "My name is Faith Hope Bryant. Who are you?" I asked right back. "Hey! That's MY NAME! I'M Faith Hope Blue! But, when I was younger, my last name was Bryant! How old are you, and where are you from?" "I'm 10, and I'm from Riverside, and the year 2013." I replied. "Well, why are you here?" Faith wanted to know. "Well, we have super powers (if you're me you already know that) and, this guy named Shadow moved us through different dimensions, and now, we need to get home." I replied, secreting a ball of light. "Can you tell us anything about this year?" Claire asked. "Well, yeah. We have flying cars, 3-d  TVs, and something else. Follow me." Faith replied. "Should we follow her?" I whispered to Claire. She shrugged. "I guess. It might be our only way out." Claire whispered back. We climbed up the stairs after Faith. She pulled out a small PDF. I had only seen them in movies. "These are our computers." Faith said. She pushed a button. The device powered to life. Faith raised her hand above the machine. A holographic screen popped up. "This is the internet. Use it like you normally do, except, a new tab will open off to the side of the main screen. It can also access tons of data. Use it however you like. " She told us, and walked back down the stairs. I watched her, and turned back around. Surprisingly, Claire had already figured out how to use it. "It works differently. You can use your mind to tell it what to do. I already have a firm grip on it. Something pulls you into it. Most people don't realize it. It's something big and bad." Claire told me. She turned around. "Wait! I got a lead on something! I know who is controlling the minds of 2050! And, I know how to get us out of here!

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