Chapter Fifteen

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~Kaylan's POV 

I pulled into an old, abandoned alley. 

I texted Roc and told him I got a call from my mom saying my Grandma was rushed to the hospital so I took the car. 

Being a dumbass, he was cool with it, and called Ray Ray for a ride. 

I turned my phone off, and grabbed the thrift shop bag out of the trunk. 

Inside was a pencil and paper, my makeup bag, the all-black ensemble from my dream, a baseball bat (Thanks to Jacob), and a Glock 19 Gen 4 pistol, just in case. 

I grabbed the pencil and paper, then thought better of it. He might get 5-0 on me. 

I got out of the car with the baseball bat, and the makeup. 

Since no one was out here but me, I changed into my outfit in the alley. 

I applied a little bit of vasiline on my face, my hands trembling from excitement. 

I grabbed the baseball bat, and held it for a few seconds. 

I raised it up, tears welling up in my eyes. 

I couldn't believe it. A relationship since 8th grade was a lie. All the kisses, and hugs were full of lust. 

All the flowers, candies, wake-up calls, long walks on the beach, all the dates. 


And that one night. 

A huge lump formed in my throat  

as the memory filled my mind. 

I gave my V-card to a lying bastard. 

To a fake. A void. A cheat. 

Now I was outraged. 

I put my goggles over my eyes, and whacked the car window, and it instantly shattered. 

Tears rolled down my face as I hit the car door repeatedly. 

"I hate you!" I kept yelling as I whacked the car. 

Finally, all the doors were bent and ready to fall off, and the windows were shattered. 

I grabbed my lipstick out of the makeup bag, and wrote on the windshield, 

'I hope your fire burns, baby' and drew a heart around it.  

(Play song on side now. For those on mobile version, it's Fire Burns by Nicki Minaj) 

I hit the windshield, and it cracked, some pieces of glass falling inside the car. 

I felt a tiny piece of glass hit my right cheek, but at that moment I didn't care. 

I went full-out, and just started hitting every single part of the car before breaking down into hard sobs. 

My heart felt bruised, and it ached.  

From now on, I promised to put a cap on my feelings and not let them out. Fuck love. 

I heard a car pull up, and looked behind me. 

I picked up all of my things, and threw his car keys far into the woods. 

I took off my shoes, and walked to a certain someone's car. 

"You chill?" He asked as I got in. 

I threw my things in the back, and got in the passenger seat. 

"Yeah, I guess."  

He looked out to the car, and his mouth was wide open in shock. 

"You did that?!?"  

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