Chapter Nine

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"Casting for Romeo and Juliet is pinned on the board in the back of the auditorium." Mr. Frank shouted to his students as they got up to leave his class. Lucas wasn't excited to find out what part he did or didn't get. Maya on the other hand was through the roof!

Lucas, Liam, and Maya walked together to the pin board, waiting in line to see who got what part. Finding their names on the paper, they followed the dotted line to the part they had got.

"I'm Juliet!" Maya smiled. She jumped in joy and Lucas hugged her.

"Congratulations." He smiled. Liam congratulated her aswell, patting her shoulder and smiling.

"I'm a spear carrier? Who's Romeo?"

"I-I am..." Liam answered shyly. Everyone knows the story and everyone knows Romeo and Juliet kiss, and that wasn't exactly what anyone wanted to happen. Lucas didn't want Maya to kiss Liam, Liam didn't want to kiss Maya, and Maya didn't want to kiss Liam.

"Well I can't wait to preform with you." Maya said to Liam. She was nervous already but she didn't want to let it show. She was excited that her and her friend would be working together on stage, but being his opposite and having to kiss him wasn't exactly the number one thing on her bucket list.

They all went to their next class, Lucas walking Maya to her class and making a point to kiss her when James walked by. Going their separate ways, Maya went to her seat and waited for the teacher to show up.

"Using your boy toy isn't going to make me jealous." James leaned over his desk and looked at Maya.

"Not trying to make you jealous." She replied, not looking up from the paper she was writing on.

"You like bad boys, eh?"

Maya turned around to face James and put her pencil down on her desk.

"No, I don't like Lucas because he's a bad boy. I like Lucas for reasons you'll never understand because you're practically brain dead and a psychopath."

"You're a feisty little thing." James smirked.


"Call me what you want but I know how you make me feel."

"You're disgusting." Maya rolled her eyes, facing forward again. Their teacher was behind his desk opening a book and pulling stuff out of his bag. "Can I move my seat?" Maya asked, raising her hand.

"No you may not." He replied, not looking up from what he was doing. Rolling her eyes again, Maya continued to work on work from another class becuase not much teaching went on in this class and she'd do anything to keep from talking to James.

"You're stuck." James laughed.

"Leave me alone." Maya bitterly spoke. She was tired of James, tired of Billy, and tired of them weighing down on her shoulders and ruining her happiness.

"Excuse me class, I've got to step out for a minute. Behave." Looking straight at Maya, he walked out of the room and the class burst into loud chatter.

"Hey, Hart." James spoke loudly, as that's they only way to be heard in this class at the moment. Reluctantly, Maya turned around, glaring at him and clenching her teeth.


"What do ya say after school you and I-"

"No." Maya shook her head.

"C'mon babe."

"Don't call me that." Maya's face turned red as she felt anger and frustration growing inside of her tiny body. Anyone but Lucas calling her babe made her angry, anxious, and made her remember that day with Billy all too well.

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