Chapter 9

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Is this real. Am I dreaming what is this. There's no way this can be, I know he died there was a ceremony, and everything. What is this.

"How," is all I say.

I see him give me a blank look, and for a moment there's a silence in the room.

"It's better if I explain to you if you were seated," he says.

One of the officers pushes me towards the table where my dad sits, and puts me in a chair on the other side of the table. The officer gives me another death stare, and then leaves the room. I hear a click on the door locking, and before my dad or I could say anything there was a loud buzzing coming from the ceiling.

It was the speaker.

The deeper voiced office started talking. "Now, I don't want no violence from you, Henry. You already booked yourself life, might as well be good," he chuckled for a second, and the speaker was off in a matter of seconds.

Again there was silence in the room. A silence that shouldn't be, a silence that can't be to me.

"You can talk now," I almost bark.

His expression deepened into a disappointment, and confused look that made me want to break down the door at that moment, and run away to where no one could ever give me that look again.

"It's been so many years, Henry. I thought I'd never see you again, then again I didn't really want to," he said to me.

Anger grew inside me. "Did you fake your own fucking death to get away from your own flesh and blood. Something that came from being this little baby to this smart, young teenager that you said you were proud of and wouldn't change one thing because you loved them," I gritted my teeth.

He looked down, and closed his eyes for a short moment. "Henry, you were a psychopath from the day you were born. I saw it in those eyes of yours. Those dark lifeless brown eyes, that sure as hell aren't human," he paused for second. "I would sneak on you sometimes when you were playing outside," he put quotation marks around the words playing outside with his fingers. "And I would see you killing things like rats, and even kittens. You would open them up, and make pictures out of their guts and blood. I should of told your mother, but I didn't have the time to deal with a insane son like you, so I faked the crash and got some help to make sure it seemed real
enough, and I moved to Germany to just start a new, and forget all that crazy shit I witnessed you do."

The amount of pressure I was putting on gritting my teeth was sure to break all of them. My fists were clinched so hard  that my finger nails were digging into my palm, causing a extreme uncomfortable feeling. My racing mind was almost too much to process any basic piece of information presented to me. I felt like I was a ticking time bomb.

I gave out a small laugh. "What a nice father you were."

"Even if we would of gotten you help, it would of been a embarrassment to our family and-"

"Are you kidding me!" I scream out at him. "You're my dad, you're supposed to help me if there's something wrong. Not fucking vanish because you think you are above all, and I am worthless."

There was a short moment of silence again. A  long eye to eye contact that broke when he quickly looked down, and sighed.

"The moment you would of been sent out of whatever insane asylum you were in, you would of just went back to being a freak, and killing whatever you could find, like people."

The anger inside me was building up so much that I just wanted to go up to him, and punch the living shit out of him. I am glad he left, what kind of father is he. Talking to me like this about the past is ridiculous.

"Can I just leave now," I blurted out. "I am so done with this shit, I don't care about your story, you are just one big jackass."

"Have it your way," he spoke out in a emotionless tone.

Almost instantly after he said those words I heard a click. It was the door, and opening it was the same officer from before. His expression still showed his disgust in me. I flared my nostrils in response, and kept my inner rage inside. Walking in he motioned my Dad to come over, and he got up without saying anything and exited the room. I looked at the table for a long moment after that, but then felt someone staring at me. I turned my head and sure enough that rude ass officer was giving me his signature death stare.

I wanted to say something to him. Just really make him feel bad, and hurt him deep inside, but then he looked away from me, and controlled myself.

"Damned people," I muttered under my breath.

"Well, that chat didn't seem too friendly," the voice named William commented.

"I never liked him that much anyways."

"Doesn't seem like a likable person, at least you know more about the past."

"Could of lived without knowing it, but all well," I pause for a moment. "Why do you seem to be getting more friendly," I ask.

I hear a loud laugh come from him. "At first I came to just mess with you, and ruin your life, like I did, but since then I've been looking deeper into what you actually are and it's actually quite interesting," he rambled.

"Wait what I am?" I questioned.

"Okay, so before I tell you what you are exactly I will say the people you've killed aren't actually people at all."

"You're making no sense," I felt my head hurting just from the small piece of information.

"I have to tell you later, you're about to be questioned, look."

Sure enough there came a man that looked like a detective. He had a blank look on this face as be walked to the table, and say across from me. With him he had a note book, and folder. He seemed a little too calm about this, it was weird usually people like this seem all tough and together, but really they are a mess because of this job. Not him it seems, this will be interesting.

Adjusting himself in his chair he clears his throat making me draw my attention towards him even more.

"I bet you can already guess why I am here," he announced.

I almost rolled my eyes at him. "I might be a killer, but I'm not stupid, now let the questions begin."

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