they were all born with silver spoons up their asses.
meanwhile, i've had to work.
all these girls look
in their shining mirrors
and they see
their slender arms.
their flawless faces.
their straight teeth.i look and i am blinded
my whale stature.
my hooked nose.
my cotton candy braces.i stopped eating.
more like, stopped digesting. i could never
forgive myself
for being
a fat
slob.i have a tire waist
a short stature
and terrible hair.i will never look good enough.
I am determined.
fear is in their eyes.
in my parents'
for the coughs they hear late at my friends'
for the gap between my myself
for knowing that i would rather die
then be
and disgusting
and messy.i am not good enough.
i never will be.i am d o o m e d.