Mary and Luise Supporting Terry and Alba in the Hospital Pt.3 Chapter 40

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Still in the hospital when Alba Meira started to dream about choosing that he wants to live or die but when his heart is about to giving up the doctors and nurses did anything they could to bringing him back to life Luise was overjoyed that he going to be ok!!!!!!!! But he needs some rest because of heaven and hell in his dreams and nightmares,
Luise went to Alba's hospital room for to make sure that he ok and stabilize and she started to talk to him while he was in the hospital bed.
Luise:Hey Alba it's Luise I know you can't hear you me and I just want to know that you're ok and I know that I pray for you and Terry because we almost lost both of you and I was so terrified that your heart stops beating I was crying so hard for you because I don't want to lose you again and I know you very well I remember when we bumping into each other and we introduce ourselves and we talk and talk with each other while we running our errands and we went our separate ways and we hope meet again and the next thing you know that you calling me one morning and you pretending to be a mysterious guy who wants to check out on me and we flirting on the phone and talk about our future dates,marriage, and kids, and I want that so bad for you and me are dating each other in the future but I thinking about you and your smile and your sweet talk you make me feel like a woman who like you for who you are for being so beautiful and amazing just like am now but the truth is that I have feelings for you and I fell in love with you I just want you to know that I like a nice,funny, cute,and amazing person in the world and I'm so happy and greatly appreciate that you in my life and soul but I think you're important to me and your friends and family but I want you to know that I want you to getting better and better everyday and every step of the way I promise you that you are so strong and brave person in the world and I love when a person who flirts with me and make me laugh and smile at you and I love it when we get to know each other for the first time since you looking at me in my eyes and I want to see you open your eyes soon when you waking up and look at me and smile at me and I don't know how much you like me but I want you to know that I love you. ( Tears in her eyes )And I will see you soon when you wake up ok!!!!!!
She kisses him in his forehead and leave the room and goes back into the waiting room for the condition of Terry.
Meanwhile in the Mary and Jenet are sitting in the chair and thinking about the incident in club that involved Terry and Alba.
Mary: I can't believe we still in the hospital waiting for answers about Terry and Alba I want them to be ok and I wanted Terry to be out of the coma and waking up because I want to tell him that I love him so much between us and I will be strong enough for him.
Jenet:You can get though it because he is a great person who steps in your life and soul he loves you so much for between you and Terry,he belongs to you and your heart is telling you don't give up on him ok.
Mary:Thank you so much for making me feel better you're my best friend and a sister to me and I love to have a great and awesome friend in my life and the rest of the girls who are always there for me when I was trouble with problems with the situation like this. Oh have you seen Luise lately I see her when Alba's heart just stopped and she said she just in his room for seeing how he going after he heart is starting again and he lives, and I hope Terry waking up from the coma.
Jenet:I'm sure he will be waking up soon I promise you that everything is going to be ok. And I hope the guys who are thinking about Terry.
Meanwhile Luise came back from Alba's hospital room and she has tears in her eyes and her mascara on her face is so mess up because of Alba in the hospital bed unconscious after his heart stops beating during his dreams and nightmares about choosing to live or die for him. And he choose to live and stay on earth because he wants to live with the family and friends because he needs them. Mary and Jenet want to know if everything is ok and how he is doing in the hospital bed.
Mary:Hey Luise how he doing?
Luise:You should seen his face it's was so pale white when he was dreaming about something but his heart stops beating when he had a nightmare and few minutes later heart is beating so fast and came back to life I like oh my god I don't believe that his heart is stopping and I'm about to crying and sobbing into tears when the doctors and nurses do everything they can to bring him back to life and I was so seriously scared to death by watching him in the changers all over his chest to bring him back in the heart beat but somethings happened to him his heart is going back to live on the heart monitor and I was so much thrilled that he lives again and the doctors said that he back and he stabilize again I was so happy for him for being alive and never give up on himself, I miss him so much I hope he wakes up from the surgery!!!!!!!!!! And I kisses his forehead before I leave the room and waiting for condition of Terry,When the doctors said about his condition.
Mary:The doctors said that he will be in the coma for hours and hours of coma and that tearing my life and heart up I can't live without him and he can't live without me either but I need so much oh god why!!!!!!!!!!
Luise:You need to calm down Mary he will wake up from the coma ok,you need to be strong and brave girlfriend to him ok he doesn't want to see you upset or yelling and screaming at yourself ok Mary we here for Terry and Alba ok but mostly we are here to supporting and praying for Terry and Alba to be ok,and Mary when he wakes up telling him that you love and care for him ok.
Mary:Ok thanks for your support Luise I'm really appreciate it that much more but I'm will be brave and stronger girlfriend to him and that the t truth and I m trying my best to make it through this.
While waiting in the treatment room the doctors and nurses saids that Terry will waking up soon because he still in the coma when he hits his head hard in the floor that cause the brain cells loss of memory or damages to the cells but he has little knots on his head, and they said he will be ok!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary:Oh my god thank you so much for saying that when we allowed to be able to see him?
Doctor:couple of hours if you want to spending the night in the hospital room for giving him so company and staying with him that is ok with you because we have a bedrooms next door!!!!!!!!!
Mary:Thank you so much doctor I'm will appreciate it.
That's all folks I'm done with part 3 of Mary and Luise Supporting Terry and Alba in the
Hospital treatment for Terry and Alba Pt.3 Chapter 38-40
And I hope you like my book because I need to catch up on my other books on Beautiful Dreams and Special holiday stories and more of my chapters continues on and I'll will published in by days at the time and put it on Facebook and
The Hospital storylines continue on
Let's find out what happened next!!!!!!!
Can Terry and Alba able to walking up from the coma and surgery?
What is Terry dreaming about?
Can Mary be able to get though it?
Can Rock and Jenet has their first kiss?
Luise has a great crush on Alba Meira can she telling him when he wakes up from the surgery?
Can the rest of the gang waiting for a good miracles happen to Alba Meira and Terry Bogard?
And praying for Terry and Alba please don't giving up on them!!!!!!! 😞😔😢😢
They need you to have your love and support for their lives.
Let's find out what happened in the next Chapter 41
Love and Kisses
Xoxox ❤🌹🌹🌹🌹💋💕😘😊😄☺️😀️💕💞💓💖💗💝💓💓💙💚💛💘💜💋😘❤️💗💝

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