How it went down

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Setting: Glen Cove, New York
Mid winter

Characters: Ian, Ester, Ellena
More will be added as the story goes on

Please do not copy this story this was made by me and my imagination and inspiration that comes from my mind and heart.
copyright 2015 by Maria Hernandez
Enjoy everyone!!😊

"We I have my life planed out mom and I don't need any boys in my way Bc it's going to mess up with my plan I just can't let that can I no right"
     "I understand Hun but don't you think it's time to go on dates now your 17 years old and you need to get out and have fun. Your only in high school relax you have plenty of time to think of you career after"
     "Oh mom guys are a waist of time and plus it's best to start now so I don't have to think about collage senior year. It's getting late so I better go or I'm going to miss the bus again and i really don't want to miss it."
        " ok fine but this conversation is not over and have fun in school Ellena  I love you!"
        "Bye mom love you too!"
I hurry out the door so that I don't miss it again and I almost did,when I got to my bus stop my bus was there already and I'm glad that Ester and Ian where there to stop the bus because then I would have to walk to school and that would really suck because it would be a long walk.
   "Hey Ellena! You almost missed the bus today again." Says Ian giving me a hug "yea no shit." I tell him all sarcastic like "Ellena don't have to be all sarcastic like. Why are you always late anyways?" Ester asks me as she takes her seat on the bus "well when you have an annoying mom like mom the keeps you longer at home just to insist to go out with guys and to have fun then you would know why I'm always late for school." I tell them "damn she goes on with that doesn't she understand that you like to focus on school." Ian says with an annoyed face "yes and she would shut the hell up about it and it gets on my last nerve like really she needs to shut up" I say with an annoyed tone " oh Ellena she has a point you know. You need go out and have fun." Ester says to me. I always hate when Ester agrees with my mom like really I don't want to be known for a hoe like Ester is she's my best friend and I love her I've known her since the kindergarten but she has a little too much fun and her parents let her go out too much because the not technically know as a vergin in school. "Yea of course you would agree with my mom being you have had so much fun in high school." I tell with a nasty tone in my voice. "Well yea Ellena I'm not going to lie I am having fun."  Ester says to me and Ian with a straight look in her face. "You won't be having fun when you get AIDS" Ian says laughing his ass off "shut up Ian I us protection and your not a vergin either so shut it the only one here who has not lost he v card is Ellena so she can say what she wants because she a GG" Ester says getting all offended. I'm just start to laugh and can't stop laughing. I love it when Ian and Ester get into arguments because they look like an old married couple. I really think the both would make a great couple.
"Guys we're at school chill your balls it only 6:40am in the morning" I tell them trying to not laugh "sorry Ian always starts everything." Ester says looking at Ian with a straight face and then punches him in the stomach. "Hey what was that for its not my fault that you are easy to pick on." Ian say "or can it be that you like Ester.....Ian?" I say laughing and getting up to get off the bus. They both look at each other "ewwwww never in a life time Ellena!!!" They both shout at the same time. "I'm kidding calm down!" I say getting a grip of myself. "But I wouldn't say that if I were you because you never know if you guys go out in the future of bang each other" I say. "ELLENA!!" They shout out loud at me "what I'm just saying."

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