(A/N: This is lil recap of what happen in the other part.... So yeah Beyonce tells the girls the she is pregant and they get soo happy....So yeah hope that helped.....So back to the story)
Genesis P.O.V
So my mom gave me and my big sister Nicky the big news. Wow i cant believe she actually having a baby. Im tierd of everybody saying im the youngest in the house. It feels so annoying. right there i thought of an idea and i started pulling my sister to go up the stairs to my room. we went inside and i close my door right away.
Nicky: Genesis what do u want? i have to get dress *she sat on my bed*
Me: Shut up i have something to tell u
Nicky: You so mean Genesis *she is getting up to leave my room*
I grabed her by the arm and sat her on my bed and i sat next to her.
Me: Sorry is that im just cranky because ur boyfriend ate my breakfast i had to eat some nasty shit *lay on my bed* but w.e anyways as a surprise why dont we tell mom to take a family trip to Vegas.... i mean she is working too much with all this concerst and shit soo it would be like her free time.
Nicky: Thats not such a bad idea Gen...But when we going to tell mom and dad?
Me: Lets tell them now..... I mean when you take a abth and stuff u smell like pool water *kicking her out my room* Go take a bath!!!!!!!!! lol
Nicky: *getting out* ok fine lol
With that my sister when to her room. I close the door behind her and jumped on my bed. I grabbed my phone and checked i had 8 missed call from my boyfriend Jacob (A/N: not Jacob perez is Jacob Latimore lol.. just letting yall noe i dont want no one confuse...ok back to the story) I dial back his number and it rang three time and he picked it up and out of breath.
(phone conversation)
Jacob: Hey baby *breathing hard*
Me: Why you sound out of breath? o.O
Jacob: Oh im working out....I cant look good for my baby? lol *breathing going back to normal*
Me: Yeah lol
Jacob: Baby i want to go to the teen club...you wanna come?
Me: Yeah sure babe, what time?
Jacob: Around 8 ill pick you up ok baby...... Genesis i have to go see u at 8 my dad just got home to take me to practice
Me: Oh ok...Bye bea love you
Jacob: Love you more shawty bye
I hang up right after he said bye and walked to my sister room and knocked. There was no answer so i went in and i guess she was still taking a bath because i heard the shower on. I lay on her bed and waited for her to come.... 10 min past and i heard the shower go off... She came out and looked at me
Nicky: What you doing here?
Me: What chu think? now hurry up so we can tell mom and dad
She went to the bathroom and came out with this -----------------> http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/app
Me: You look good...ok lets go *got up from her bed and started walking downstairs and she follow behind me*
Mom and dad wore outside in the backyard by the pool talking about w.e they always talking about and they turn around right when we walked to where they wore.
Me: Mom, dad can we tell yall something *sat on mom lap*
Beyonce: Sure sweetie
Jay-Z: Yeah
Nicky: So we was planning if we can take a family trip to Vegas so you guys can have free time from work and stuff
Me: Yeah
Beyonce: Thats a great idea girls... when yall wanna go?
Me: Tomorrow in the afternoon would be great
Jay-Z: Ohh thats great
Nicky: Thank you so much mom and dad
Me: Yeah
***********Nicky P.O.V************
I went inside the house to my room and Genesis stayed there talking to mom and dad. i decided to call Issa so he can pick me up. But right after i was gonna call him.... I got a phone and guess who was it....Issa.. lol its like he reads my mind lol...So i picked up
Me: Hey baby i was just about to call you so u can pick me up
Issa: I guess i read your mind lol
Me: Yeah so can you pick me up
Issa: Im already on my way.... wait for me down stairs baby ok ill be their in 5 min
Me: Ok baby bye see you than
Issa: ok baby bye
He hang up and ran to the backyard where mom and dad was talking to Genesis.
Me: Imma be with Issa mom and dad
Mom&dad: Ok
I was about to leave when my mom called me. I turned around and looked at her
Beyomce: Be back by 10 ok
Me: Ok mom
I ran out the house and notice that Issa was already there. I got inside his car and pecked him on the lips.
(A/N: Omg where you think Nicky and Issa going? and how Jacob and Genesis club night turns out?.....youll find out next chapter thanx for reading.... plzzz comment and vote and sorry for the mistakes peace)