Chapter 1: Club

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"No." I said to my two best friends before slamming the door in their face and jogging up to my room. After a long day of doing...well nothing, I just wanted to stay home and relax--hopefully while watching the new episode of The Walking Dead. But no. My two crazy friends had other plans for me. They thought that I needed to have fun and let loose and hey somehow got it into their head that going to the club will do just that. Oh yes, I can just picture it now.

As I laid on my bed I heard my front door open and two pairs of feet walk up the stairs. I knew they were going to try to persuade me to go but nothing can get through me, I'm as hard as a rock.

"PAIGE!!" Eva screamed at me as she threw my bedroom door open. "How dare you close the door on me! And did you really think you can escape from us?!" She questioned as she motioned between her and Nate.

"No, but it was worth a try. Why can't we just stay here and have a movie night like the old days?" I offered.

"Because we're not kids anymore Paige and we can now get into the pack clubs. So get your lazy ass up and don't forget to wear something sexy. I'll be waiting downstairs." Nate said as he exited my room.

"Come on sugarplum, it's just one night. And I promise that afterwards we will stop by for some Burger King."

"On you?" I questioned curiously.


"Urgggh... Alright, but just because I'm going to get BK" Okay so maybe I'm not as hard as a rock, more like styrofoam, but hey nothing beats free food.

"Great! Now get ready and meet us downstairs." She said clapping her hands together.


As soon as we entered the nightclub my eardrums were about ready to burst. The vibrations of the speakers could be felt all over my body causing me to shiver slightly. All I could see was the flashing lights piercing through the crowd on the dance floor. I guess I was too enveloped in the scene that I didn't feel when Eva dragged me to the bar. I plopped myself down and ordered a drink. If I was going to get through this night I couldn't be sober.

"Hey Nate, I think that red head over by the door is checking you out, you should go ask her to dance." I stated as I returned to gaze around the room.

"He'll scare her off once she sees his pathetic dance moves." Eva said.

"My dance moves are not pathetic. I've been told by many people that I should have become a professional dancer if you must know ."

"Were they blind because I don't think anyone with their sight would have said that to you." She retaliated.

"Noooo...ok maybe one was but that's not the point. How about I show you how great of a dancer I am?" He inquired.

"Uh no thanks, I don't want you stepping on me tonight I just bought these heels and I don't nee-Ah No! Nate Nooo! Goddess have mercy!" was all I heard as he dragged her away into the stampede on the dance floor.

Just by looking at those two you wouldn't think they were a couple, but they've actually been going out since we were 15. And seeing as how in just a few weeks we would all turn 18 and be finally able to sense our mates, we have been closer than ever. I guess we're afraid that once we find them we won't have time for each other anymore. But seeing as how in love they are, I'm pretty sure the moon goddess mated them together.

Well shit. I just realized those two left me alone and so I'm now sitting at the bar by myself. After a couple of minutes several guys approach me and ask me to dance, but they were either too old or too young for my liking.

Just when I was about to whip out Flappy Bird on my phone, someone tapped my shoulder.

Thank you guys for reading!

Till next time!

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