I Do It All For You

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Cameron's point of view

15 minutes before

I ran home in a hurry I really wanted to call Scarlett because I wanted to talk to her and prove that I don't only want to talk to her because she changed she changed the way she looked

I ran into the house and my mom stoped me

"Whoa Cameron slow down what's wrong"she said smiling at me

"I was just in a hurry because you know I uh have home work"I said lying really I just wanna talk to Scarlett

"Your lying now who's the girl"she said how did she know it was a girl the world my never know

"What girl"I said I really don't want to tell her because I know that she'll want to meet her and I dont think that Scarlett would want that yet

"Spil it now"she said and I smile "her name it Scarlett Johansson Phillips she is very beautiful and sweet mom I really like her and I finally got the guts to ask for her number"I said and she smiled

"Thats great Cameron"she said and walked away I run to my room and pull out my phone

Maybe I shouldn't call her maybe it's too soon to call her I don't want to seem desperate but I really want to call her

I sigh and call her anyway the phone rang five times before it went to voicemail

Voicemail: hey this is Scarlett and Shawn *giggle*I can't get to the phone right now*wishpering I love you Scarlett I love you too Shawn* bye call again sometime

Voicemail ends

That's so cute but I can't help but feel that Shawn has a better chance with her than me I mean he knows everything about her he did tell her he loves her and she said it back I sigh and get up

I run down stairs and out the door I need some air .

I walk down the street and a alley is ahead of me I stop dead in my trarks when I hear someone crying and begging for someone to stop

I run to the alley and see Nash, Carter, Aaron, Taylor, Jack g, Jack j, and Matthew kicking, punching and insulting a girl as she cried out for them to stop

I look closer and see that it was Scarlett this is really what it looks like to see her get bullied and beaten by a group of guys knowing that I was once in that group made me feel like shit

"Scarlett"I yelled and they look at me and run all but Matthew who kicked her one last time

"Scarlett"I said running over to her she went unconscious

#right now
I pick her up and tears pool my eyes as I carry her to my house I can't believe that they still bully her I'm sick of it this isn't right at all

I walk into my house crying as I hold her gently

"Oh gosh Cameron"my mom says looking at Scarlett as she lays unconscious in my arms

"What happened Cameron"she asks looking worried

"Scarlett...she went unconscious"I say I don't want to tell her that she was beaten by her seven bullies

"This is Scarlett that you were telling me about wow she's beautiful"she says

Scarletts eyes slowly open she looks around and looks up confused of to where she was

"Cameron where am I"she says and my mom smiles and walks away

"At my house it's ok Matt isn't here"I say and she nods I carry her up to my room and close the door

I sit her on my bed and sit next her

"I'm so sorry Scarlett"I say "it's not your fault Cameron"she says and I shake my head

"If I wasn't so scared to walk you home this wouldn't have happened"I say

"Why were you scared"she asks and I look down

"Well I didn't want you to think that I only wanted to be change because you look different and you make me nervous sometimes but in a good way"I say and she smiles

"Cameron can you get any sweeter"she says smiling I smiling and look down she really does make me nervous

"You're so cute"I say and grab her hand she blushes and smiles "you're the cute one Mr.sweet talker"she says

"But your cuter Mrs.sweet talker"I say she giggles and rolls her eyes

"Hey guess what"I say "what"she says looking me in my eyes

"Your beautifully beautiful princess"I wishper to her

"Guess what Cameron"she says and I chuckle "what"I say smiling

"Your perfectly perfect baby"she says I peck her on the lips and she smiles

"I'd love to stay longer but I need to get home before Shawn freaks out and starts to think that something happened"she says

I can't help but get this weird feeling at the pit of my stomach when she said that it's not like they are dating are anything

"Ok let me walk you home"I say I really don't want anything to happen to her again

"You don't have to its fine"she says but I shake my head "no its fine"I say and she nods

We walk down stairs hand in hand still and smiling

"Mom I'm gonna walk Scarlett home now"I say as we walk past my mom as watch's tv

"Ok honey be safe oh and Scarlett it was nice seeing you maybe you could come over to have dinner with us one day"my mom says

"Uh sure"Scarlett says smiling I pull her out the door before my mom could say anything else and she giggles

"Why'd you do that"she asks smiling "trust me I did you flavor" I say joking really I didn't want my mom to show her any pictures of me

"Your mom is sweet just like you"she says pinching my cheeks I swat her hands away laughing

"Well bye Cameron and thanks"she says as we walk to her house "bye uh wait maybe we could uh go o-on a date sometime"I say and she smiles

"Sure"she says calmly I nod trying to act as if it was no big deal but it was its a very big deal

"Bye I'll text you everything you need to know"I say and she nods before walking into her house

I smile and walk back home today has been great I kissed the girl that I've had a crush on for four years I got her number and asked her on a date that she said yes to could this day get any sweeter

#Scarlett's point of view

I walk into my house and sigh happily as I lean against the door

"Where were you"Shawn says scaring the shit out of me

"Dang it Shawn you scared me"I say walking over to him I sit next to him and he smiles

"What happened"he asks and I smile very wide and look over to him

"Cameron kissed me, told me the sweetest things, for my number, and asked me on a date that's what"I say and he chuckled

"That's great but if he hurts you I'll hurt him"he says I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me

"I love you Scarlett"he wishers "I love you too Shawn"I say .

Sorry it was so short vote and comment thanks bye

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