chapter 12

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Chad  is all I am looking at right now
Waiting for my mate out side some random pack that I don't know the name off Chad decided it was the best Time to hav a talk with me.

" Annabelle?" He said softly

I stand up and face him

" Annabelle I'm so sorry I - I know I probably don't deserve you're forgiveness but I'm so so sorry mum and dad they -they just wanted a son because they wanted them to be a alpha oh gosh why did I do all the thing I did to you and .. Clarissa oh god o have to tell her that that you...... I'm so so sorry"
I just stair at him what could I say ? That I forgive him ? I don't know if I do he is my brother he is supposed to protect me threaten boyfriends to take care of me instead he beet me and let the pack members do it too maybe I should forgive him I have Issac now witch means we will probably start a family and get married and I want my kids to have a uncle and aunt.

" I... I forgive you but it's going to take alot to get my trust and you have to get Isaac to forgive you as well because I told him everything"

" deal, I am going to go call Clarissa and tell her tome comeback"
"Wait come back from where?"
"Florida? "
" but?"
" I didn't go this year because alpha drew needed help with rouges"
"Oh" I whisper
"I'll be back" he said
Befor he left he leaded in for a hug causing me to flinch but then hug back and as if on qew Isaac got here.

Chad's pov~

     Before I  can even pull away Issac ripped me  off Annabelle and started yelling.
"How dare you touch my mate!"
" you're mate is my sister!"
" you have no right to call her you're sister brothers and sites don't let them get beat by there own pack!" 
That hurt .   But it was True. I don't deserve to call Annabelle my sister I didn't even deserve her forgiveness buy she forgave me.

" stop!" Annabelle yelled

Both Isaac and I turn to face her

" I have forgiven Chad, can we please go home?"

"Okay"  Issac said

Annabelle walled to the car leaving me and Issac

"She forgave you?" He asked

"Yes and I know I don't deserve it but I was hoping you could forgive me too?"
" okay but gaining my trust won't be easy"
I chuckle "that's what Annabelle said"
He chuckled then walked back to his car and drove off I need to call Clarissa.


(Kinda edited) (4/15/2018)

Okay I didn't notice till now how short my chapters are !!! How silly of me !! But hey they may be short chapters but I updated almost every day so ha ! Anyway hope you liked it

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